The Investors Dialogue on Energy (ID-E) is a multi-level stakeholder platform bringing together experts from energy and finance sectors in all EU countries to assess and upgrade financing schemes to mobilise financing in the context of the REPowerEU Plan and the European Green Deal.
Its 5 Working Groups cover different segments of the energy value chain
- energy production
- transmission and distribution
- energy storage
- heating and cooling
- services and prosumers
Objective and expected outcome
The overall objective of the initiative is to assess existing energy financing schemes (private and public programmes, instruments, etc.) and propose possible improvements for them.
Where feasible and needed, proposals will be developed for pilot financial instruments, programmes or investment products. It will be assessed if and which additional technical assistance programmes are needed to unlock financing and suggestions for possible modifications to financial or other rules affecting investment in energy at EU and national levels will be prepared.
The results of the initiative spur discussions on energy investments in the broader context of the REPowerEU Plan, European Green Deal and the 2050 objective of climate neutrality and may contribute to the conceptual work of current and future EU programmes.
The ID-E was referred as one of the key contributors of
Achieving the EU goal of climate neutrality by 2050 requires an unprecedented level of investment. This decade will be particularly crucial to accelerate investments to reach the objectives set by the European Green Deal. The urgency to transform the European energy system and accelerate the green transition was further accentuated in REPowerEU, the Commission’s plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
To help tackle the financing challenges on the road to climate neutrality in the energy sector, the Commission established the Investors Dialogue on Energy in 2022.
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