Educational videos and a quiz - European Commission
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Educational videos and a quiz

A set of 5 videos, a quiz and a key on various energy topics for students and their teachers.

Educational videos and a quiz

A series of 5 animated videos introducing topics, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy security and fusion energy, were published by the Commission in October 2020.

Each video is approximately 1 minute long and address primarily children in the age group of 12-15 years and their teachers. The videos can be watched or downloaded on the Commission’s audio-visual portal

They are also available on the Commission’s energy’s account on YouTube.

The videos are produced in English, but subtitled versions are available in all the official EU languages, except Irish and Maltese.

Quiz and key

For curious viewers and for teachers who would like to use the material in the classroom, a quiz including 2-3 multiple choice questions per video can be downloaded and printed. A key, providing the correct replies together with some further explanations, is presented as a separate document. The quiz and its key are available in all the above mentioned languages.

Take the quiz