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Affordable Energy

To deliver on the Clean Industrial Deal, Europe needs affordable energy. A set of concrete short-term and structural measures will provide competitiveness, affordability, security and sustainability for citizens and businesses.

Energy is a building block and a driving force of our Union, and an area where most actions to mitigate climate change can be taken. However, high energy costs are hurting EU citizens and businesses. Energy poverty affects more than 46 million Europeans and electricity is about 3 times more expensive than gas in many European countries. For industries, retail electricity prices have almost doubled since the beginning of the energy crisis in 2021.  

Affordable Energy Action Plan

As part of the Clean Industrial Deal, the Commission presented on 26 February 2025 an Affordable Energy Action Plan (COM/2025/79), which is based on 4 pillars:   

  • Lowering energy costs for all 
  • Completing the Energy Union  
  • Attracting investments and ensuring delivery 
  • Being ready for potential energy crises 

The Action Plan includes 8 actions, many of which will be delivered already in 2025.