The Commission must consult the group of independent radiation protection and public health experts for any updates of the Basic Safety Standards Directive (2013/59/Euratom), which cover safety rules for radiation in applications, such as medicine and research.
The rules of procedure for the group of experts is referred to in Article 31 or the Euratom Treaty.
Members and observers
Its members are appointed by the Scientific and Technical Committee, also referred to in the Euratom Treaty Article 31, and for a duration of 5 years.
- Composition of the group of experts 2020-2025 (12/9/2024)
- Declarations of Interest of the group of experts 2020-2025
- Observers to the group of experts (29/4/2022)
Summary meeting reports
The group of experts meets regularly, and the summary meeting reports are published in chronological order since June 2005.
Opinions of the group of experts
November 2011
Opinion on International Basic Safety Standards
Draft Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive
November 2008
Opinion on the extension of Council Regulation (EC) No 733/2008
June 2008
Opinion on the proposal of the drinking water directive
December 2002
Opinion on the draft Council Recommendation on the reporting of radioactive discharges
December 2002
Opinion on the draft Directive amending Council Directive 92/3/Euratom on shipments of radioactive waste
December 2002
Opinion on the draft Council Directive on the safety of nuclear installations
December 2002
Opinion on the draft Council Directive on spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
March 2001
Opinion on the potential radiological effects from Depleted Uranium