The EU is a full member of the 2 international forums G7 and G20, which bring together the world's most advanced economies.
Finance ministers and central bank governors typically attend the forums, but there are also dedicated energy ministerial forums which allow the EU to promotes its energy priorities.
The first G7 meeting of energy ministers took place in Rome in May 2014, while the first G20 meeting of energy ministers took place in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2015.
Previous meetings of energy ministers
- April 2024, Turin, Italy
- April 2023, Sapporo, Japan
- May 2022, Berlin, Germany
- May 2021, online
- September 2018, Halifax, Canada
- April 2017. Rome, Italy
- May 2016, Kitakyushu, Japan
- May 2015, Hamburg, Germany
- May 2014, Rome, Italy
- October 2024, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
- July 2023, Goa, India
- September 2022, Bali, Indonisia
- July 2021, Naples, Italy
- September 2020, online
- June 2019, Karuizawa, Japan
- June 2018 Bariloche, Argentina
- July 2017 G20 Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth was annexed to the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany
- June 2016, Beijing, China
- October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey