The North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) supports and facilitates the development of the offshore grid development and the large renewable energy potential in the region. This is a long-standing energy priority for the EU and the concerned countries.
The European Green Deal and the REPowerEU Plan emphasise the importance of offshore renewable energy in meeting the EU’s 2030 and 2050 climate and energy objectives and stress the importance of regional cooperation. Under the TEN-E Regulation, regional non-binding offshore goals for the North Seas offshore grids, up to 2050, were updated in December 2024.
NSEC members
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the European Commission are currently members of the North Seas Energy Cooperation, since the withdrawal of the UK from the EU on 31 January 2020.
A Memorandum of Understanding between NSEC and the UK was signed in December 2022 establishing a cooperation framework.

NSEC objective
The North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) is a regional non-binding cooperation framework, which aims to advance development of offshore renewable energy in the geographical area of the North Seas, including the Irish and Celtic Seas.
Work programme and agenda
The NSEC Ministers met in Odense Port on 24 October 2024 and agreed on the 2025-2027 work programme.
Tender schedule and offshore funding
NSEC prepared a tender planning starting in November 2023 and covering estimated dates for coming tenders until 2030. It was last updated in October 2024.
The Commission published, in time for the NSEC meeting in Dublin 2022, a collection of all EU funding options available for offshore energy projects and the Clean Energy Industrial Forum working-group prepared an expert informative note on the EU offshore supply chain.
Governance and support structure 2020-2023
The NSEC governance and support structure consists of a high-level group, ministerial meetings and the coordinators committee.
This structure is supported at technical level with 4 support groups established in the NSEC work programme, each focusing on
- hybrid and joint projects
- maritime spatial planning
- support framework and finance
- delivering 2050
Joint statements
At the NSEC event in Dublin on 12 September 2022, the 9 member countries agreed in a Joint Statement to reach at least 260 GW of offshore wind energy by 2050, which will represent more than 85% of the EU-wide ambition of reaching at least 300 GW by 2050. The 2050 NSEC ambitions are complemented with intermediate targets of at least 76 GW by 2030 and 193 GW by 2040.
The NSEC issued in July 2020 a joint statement calling for a European enabling framework for offshore wind energy. It should consider how to tackle existing barriers for an accelerated development of cross-border hybrid offshore wind energy projects in the North Seas, but also include guidance to EU countries on how to implement projects, adequate electricity market arrangements and efficient EU financing. The joint statement and further work of the NSEC in 2020 provided valuable input to the EU strategy on offshore renewable energy, published in November 2020.
NSEC countries and the Commission took stock of the work and achievements in 2020 under the NSEC German Presidency, at a ministerial meeting on 14 December 2020. NSEC was chaired by Belgium in 2021 and by Ireland in 2022.
Moreover, the Commission has supported ENTSO-E in preparing a guidance document for the preparation of future Offshore Network Development Plans.
A study on the possible use of congestion income for offshore renewable energy projects connected to more than one market and a study (launched in 2022) on sea basin cost-benefit sharing will also help in implementing the Offshore Strategy and the TEN-E Regulation, including future guidance for the whole EU.
Under the 2023 NSEC co-Presidency and during the 20 November 2023 Ministerial meeting, NSEC Members endorsed an Action Agenda, which confirms the offshore ambitions and actively supports their realisation in the NSEC context. On this occasion, a joint NSEC offshore wind tender planning was also published to give as much visibility as possible on project demand.
Political declarations
In 2016, a joint political declaration established the North Seas Energy Cooperation, aiming at facilitating the cost-effective deployment of offshore renewable energy, in particular wind, and promoting interconnection between the countries in the region
It emphasises the importance of voluntary cooperation, with the aim of securing a sustainable, secure and affordable energy supply for the North Seas countries.
At the Ministerial meeting of 2 December 2021, NSEC countries and the European Commission signed a renewed political declaration, updating and aligning the objectives of the regional cooperation to the evolution of the political context since 2016.
- 18 DECEMBER 2022
- 2 DECEMBER 2021
- 12 DECEMBER 2016
- 15 DECEMBER 2022
- 31 AUGUST 2022
- 24 SEPTEMBER 2021
- 11 DECEMBER 2017
- 11 DECEMBER 2017
- 11 SEPTEMBER 2017
- Opening speech by Commissioner Simson at the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) Ministerial meeting (24/10/2024)
- North Seas conference in The Hague: from national goals to joint action for offshore wind energy (20/11/2023)
- North Seas Energy Cooperation and UK establish cooperation framework to facilitate the development of offshore renewable energy (18/12/2022)
- Members of the North Seas Energy Cooperation grasp historic opportunity to accelerate Europe’s move towards energy independence (12/09/2022)
- President von der Leyen participates in the Leaders' Summit on offshore wind in the North Sea (18/05/2022)