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EU offshore oil and gas authorities group

The group is a forum for the exchange of information and expertise on all issues relating to major accident prevention and response in offshore oil and gas operations.

The European Union Offshore Oil and Gas Authorities Group (EUOAG) is a forum for the exchange of information and expertise between EU national authorities, third countries, industrial associations, the European Commission and other stakeholders, on all issues relating to major accident prevention and response in offshore oil and gas operations.

Purpose and objectives

EUOAG was established in 2012, by Commission Decision 2012/C 18/07, and is mandated to discuss, assist and give opinions to the Commission. In this capacity, EUOAG

  • prepares guidance documents, standards and industry best practices
  • ensures quick information exchanges between the Commission and national authorities
  • promotes consensus between involved parties on regulatory best practices
  • shares information on the application of national and EU legislation and policies
  • assists the Commission in monitoring the implementation and application of relevant EU legislation

In addition, EUOAG promotes best practices and high safety standards for offshore oil and gas operations worldwide.

EUOAG members

The Commission Directorate-General for Energy chairs the group.

Formal EUOAG members are EU national authorities, responsible for the regulatory oversight of offshore oil and gas activities and related policy areas. Norway attends the meeting as an observer.

In addition, the following parties attend the plenary meetings of the EUOAG

Representatives from the offshore industry, the unions, third countries, academia, research organisations, NGOs, relevant union agencies and other stakeholders may participate in the work of EUOAG upon the chairman's invitation.

For additional information, you may contact the EUOAG secretariat: ENER-EUOAGatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENER-EUOAG[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Major accident emergency cooperation

In case of an offshore major accident emergency, it is of utmost importance to ensure a fast and accurate information flow between EU countries and the Commission. The countries have therefore voluntarily provided the Commission with contact points.

Meetings, workshops and trainings

EUOAG conducts a range of activities on legal questions and the practical application of safety rules and legislation. This includes the reporting of offshore accidents according to the Implementing Regulation on determining a common format and common publication format for offshore oil and gas hazard indicators (EU) No 1112/2014

To discuss these topics, EUOAG conducts activities through ordinary meetings, plenary meetings, as well as workshops and training courses.

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