For national authorities
Provisional guidance on the implementation of the SRI (February 2023): This document is an output of the activities of the SRI support team and aims to provide provisional guidance on the implementation of the SRI during the period when EU countries may opt to conduct test phases. At a future date the Commission may prepare formal guidance on the implementation of the SRI informed by the experience accrued during the national test phases. The current version presents guidance that draws upon the knowledge of the SRI technical support team and some experience already relayed through provisional testing.
Training slide deck for Member States (September 2024): It has been designed for national or regional authorities in charge of implementing the EPBD, willing to launch an official test phase of the SRI. It provides recommendations from the SRI support team and examples from pioneering countries.
For building owners
Training slide deck for building owners (September 2024): It has been designed for building owners willing to understand the link between the SRI and the building value, and to better communicate with building managers and building occupants about the benefits of smart technologies.
For SRI assessors
Updated training slide deck for SRI assessors (September 2024): It compiles the material needed by assessors to conduct an SRI evaluation. It provides links to relevant material in national languages and adapted to national specificities, available in some countries (see also “The SRI in EU countries” page). Where such specific material is not available yet, assessors are guided in using the EU-level SRI assessment package, which consists of a calculation sheet and a practical guide (you can ask it by filling in this form).
- Material from a technical study carried out 2019-2020, supporting the development of the SRI
SRI digital calculation tools
Several initiatives are currently being implemented to develop digital tools that support the implementation of SRI assessments, and that provide complementary SRI-related services to improve smartness of buildings. Non-confidential information about these initiatives is provided in the table below.
The D^2EPC Building Performance Module is a calculation suite that facilitates the calculation of 4 sets of indicators related to the building’s smart-readiness, indoor environment, environmental and financial performance. Acting complementary to the Asset and Operational Rating tools that enable the energy performance assessment of buildings respectively, the Building Performance Module provides an additional set of static and dynamic indicators, better informing end-users on their asset’s energy performance.
The SRI calculation is facilitated by a dedicated sub-module, the "SRI calculation sub-module," which integrates the concept of smart-readiness in the broader domain of EPCs. In this way, the end-user can have a clearer view of how that asset’s smartness level relates to the rest of the energy and non-energy aspects of the building's operation and lifecycle.
The SRI calculation methodology is compliant with the up-to-date European SRI framework. In particular, Method B has been chosen to deliver a more detailed representation of the building's technical infrastructure. The SRI tool has been designed to operate as an online service. The D^2EPC Web Platform provides direct access to the SRI tool. The SRI web environment enables the assessor to upload the building information, while the tool’s ability to extract information from existing BIM files can shorten and simplify the building documentation process. Moreover, dedicated APIs can provide third-party access to the tool's calculation services.
Targeted user(s):
Building assessors ; Building owners ; Facility managers; Building occupants
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Not decided yet
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
D^2EPC (Next-generation Dynamic Digital EPCs for Enhanced Quality and User Awareness)
CERTH ITI, djoanniditi [dot] gr (Dimosthenis Ioannidis)
CERTH ITI, phatzipiti [dot] gr (Panagiota Chatzipanagiotidou)
Last update of this information:
11 October 2024
The use of Building Information Models to assess the SRI of buildings is a complex process and can be implemented in multiple ways. Amongst the EPC RECAST project ‘s output we developed, several software components aimed at supporting SRI assessment using IFC format BIM models.
Firstly, a semantic ontology model which maps the IFC schema with the SRI technical domains was developed. An IFC model extractor allows the population of the semantic model with instanced data. Using a semantic triple store, these can be queried to quickly identify which building elements within the BIM model are related to which SRI domains. Using this in conjunction with BIM 3D tools allows quick and convenient visualisation, which can enhance assessor' productivity on large models.
The above software bricks were developed, and integrated into the 4DCollab BIM platform (a LIST asset) and tested.
Targeted user(s):
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Not yet decided
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
Further information about the tool:
Publication: Aligning IFC and SRI domains for BIM supported SRI assessment
LIST, sylvain [dot] kubickilist [dot] lu (Sylvain Kubicki)
LIST, calin [dot] bojelist [dot] lu (Calin Boje)
Last update of this information:
11 October 2024
Smart-Ready-Go!® is a cloud-based platform designed for evaluating the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) of buildings. The tool aims to become a leading solution for assessing the smart capabilities of buildings. Its development incorporates several innovative features, such as comprehensive dashboards displaying performance data of evaluated buildings, along with personalized user accounts that provide metrics and statistics on individual building performance.
The Smart-Ready-Go!® application delivers informed recommendations to the building user, on improving the smartness performance of their units, based on a cost-optimal approach, in compliance with existing CEN standardised methods.
Smart-Ready-Go!® enables both self-assessment and online assessment of building units, in accordance with Method A and Method B of the SRI methodology. Additionally, it offers a simplified assessment option, making it accessible to building owners and providing quick results for evaluating the smart readiness of their properties.
Targeted user(s):
Building engineers, building designers, assessors; building owners; facility managers; building occupants; public authorities
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Currently: English
Foreseen: All 24 official EU languages
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Commercial and Open Source
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
Further information about the tool:
Main contact:
Euphyia Tech, infoeuphyia-tech [dot] com (Paris Fokaides)
Last update of this information:
07 October 2024
Smart2B Smart performance assessment & Advisor (SPA&A) will provide the building users with data-driven insights about the current smartness of the building, suggest improvement actions to increase the upgrading of the building in line with the SRI definition, and show their economic and environmental impacts. In summary the SPA&A will feature the following five functionalities:
- A fully automated data-driven dynamic self-assessment of actual building smartness performance according to the principles of the SRI. Through the post-processing of the monitored data, the functionality levels of various smart ready services are considered, in line with the definition of the three SRI key functionalities: Energy performance and operation;Response to the needs of the occupants;Energy flexibility.
- Generation of suggested actions to improve the smartness performance of the building in line with the three SRI key functionalities.
- Impact assessment for different functionality levels, considering specific key KPIs (energy efficiency, comfort efficiency, flexibility exploitation) from the literature.
- Determination of economic and environmental impacts of suggested smartness performance improvements.
- Implementation of services within an integrated framework including a data platform and an application with graphical user interface to provide easy access to the above-mentioned information for the building users.
- Interactive communication stimulating awareness raising, activation of user engagement in the building smart performance and instigation of building user behaviour change in relation to the building smartness performance.
Targeted user(s):
Building owners; Facility managers; Building occupants
Type of tool:
Online web service (subscription-based)
Languages currently supported:
English; Portuguese; Spanish; German
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
Further information about the tool:
Functional requirements of the Smart Performance assessment & advisor
VITO, yixiao [dot] mavito [dot] be (Yixao Ma)
CERTH, michailditi [dot] gr (Iakovos Michailidis)
Last update of this information:
07 October 2024
The SRI2MARKET Tool Suite consists of two platforms:
- An e-learning platform that provides lessons on the SRI and its assessment methodology
- An SRI assessment tool that provides a user-friendly interface for users to carry out and store their SRI assessments
e-learning platform: Learning SRI2MARKET
The platform is available in seven languages. The e-learning lessons are a mix of videos, documents, online classes, quizzes and submission exercises. The e-learning service was launched in April-May 2024 in the 6 project countries (i.e. Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal and Spain).
It is only required to have a valid Google account for registration on the platform and then choose the most suitable course according to the country or language preference.
The SRI2MARKET e-learning programme establishes a graded learning system to ensure proper training of building professionals and other interested end-users, while at the same time enabling a quality control system to curate the SRI2MARKET database. The learning path is made up of three stages or levels, closely linked to the access to the assessment platform: Level 1 - SRI User, Level 2 - SRI Beginner and Level 3 - SRI Expert. In order to achieve each level, it is mandatory to complete specific tasks for validation and at the same time, each level grants different access to the assessment platform. Specifically, the achievement of "Level 2" will automatically provide access to the assessment platform and the achievement of "Level 3" will differentiate the user account and classify the corresponding projects according to these criteria, making them valid for advanced monitoring and benchmarking of SRI scores.
This learning path is suggested to increase trust on the SRI assessments which populate the SRI2MARKET database in order to extrapolate aggregated and consolidated conclusions regarding the SRI test phases.
SRI assessment tool: Sri2Market
The SRI2Market assessment tool is protected by login credentials that can be facilitated through the e-learning platform as described above and is available in 7 official EU languages at the moment. This web tool implements the default methodology for calculating the Smart Readiness Indicator, including Methods A and B, but it also allows easy customization of all the aspects of the methodology that can be adapted at Member State level, such as the catalogues of services, the weighting factors, the mandatory services and/or technical domains to be assessed, and so on. All these aspects can be easily adapted by a user with administrator rights. For this, it has been pre-defined a proper structure of users, including the National Administrator and the National Coordinator roles. This web-based tool implements a web-responsive design; thus, it is fully accessible from different mobile devices.
Each SRI project contains all relevant methodological information regarding the selection of the method, the catalogue and the technical domains to be assessed. But also, general information about the building for classification purposes: such as the building size, the nominal thermal power, or the energy class (if available).
Factsheets for each service are available in the platform to clarify the use of the catalogue and selections of functionality levels.
Besides the detailed scorecard for each project, including the most relevant results regarding overall and disaggregated SRI scores, the platform offers detailed benchmarking based on aggregated and anonymous data of the whole database.
Targeted user(s):
Assessors; Building owners; Facility managers
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
English, French, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, German, Croatian. Foreseen: All official EU languages.
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Not decided yet
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
CENER - National Renewable Energy Centre, mfbonetacener [dot] com (Maria Fernandez Boneta)
EFINOVATIC, mapascualefinovatic [dot] es (Miguel Angel Pascual)
Last update of this information:
4 October 2024
The ‘IsZEB SRI Calculator’ is a dedicated sub-module of the 3-part ‘IsZEB Certify’ software package, designed for calculating buildings’ energy performance and smart readiness. It facilitates the calculation of the SRI and the issuance of SRI assessment, in accordance with the official and up-to-date European SRI methodology.
Auditors, utilizing IsZEB SRI Calculator can conduct SRI assessments, which are stored on the online platform under a pre-registered user account, taking advantage of a user-friendly interface. The required inputs, in terms of buildings' profile and MEP systems, can be easily provided by the user. Additionally, the tool proposes smart readiness upgrading interventions for buildings, based on intelligent and innovative technologies (future versions will include a cost-optimal approach).
A user manual and other training and informational material regarding the SRI Calculator and the SRI framework are available for the users through the IsZEB online platform. The final outputs consist of the SRI assessment, accompanied with a comprehensive technical report, including featuring detailed descriptions and chart representations, as well as benchmarking analysis of buildings' smart readiness comparing the current state with the proposed improvement scenarios.
Targeted user(s):
Assessors; Building owners; Facility managers; Building occupants; Network operators; Manufacturers of TBS; Design and engineering companies; Public authorities
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Greek; English
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Participation in a funded research program from the Region of Central Macedonia:
«Cooperative formations for the promotion of innovation in local entrepreneurship»
Further information about the tool:
Intelligent Solutions for Zero-Energy Buildings (IsZEB), infoiszeb [dot] gr (Makris Lambros)
CERTH, djoanniditi [dot] gr (Ioannidis Dimosthenis)
Last update of this information:
11 October 2024
The U-CERT SRI digital tool brings the official SRI assessment spreadsheet into a cloud-based web environment (as a component of the U-CERT digital toolset), enhancing the user experience on both the data input side (notably for SRI assessors) and the results' interactive visualization (notably for building performance improvement decision-makers). The main aim is twofold: to simplify and streamline the entire assessment process, and to highlight the added value and benefits of smart building technologies, thereby guiding asset owners toward informed decisions.
While U-CERT has laid important groundwork, it is likely to serve as an inspiration and precursor to the more advanced SRI tools developed by the SRI cluster projects, which have significantly more extensive resources and dedicated focus on the topic. SRI was just one component within U-CERT, but the LIFE CET cluster projects have expanded and built on this foundation. The SRI digital tool is accessible via any web browser, with all SRI assessment data stored locally on users' computers.
Targeted user(s):
Assessors ; Building owners ; Facility managers
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
English; Dutch
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
U-CERT (Towards a new generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center)
Further information about the tool:
EPB Center, avlepb [dot] center (Andrei Vladimir Litiu)
ISSO, d [dot] dewitisso [dot] nl (Dirk de Wit)
Last update of this information:
7 October 2024
The SRI StandAlone Application (open-source kernel) is a command line tool for calculating both the SRI and the Key Functionalities scores. It opens a file created using the proposed common format for all the EPBD assessments in the iEPB project and calculates the results. More information can be found in the github repository.
Targeted user(s):
Assessment application developers
Type of tool:
command line application
Languages currently supported:
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Open source
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
Further information about the tool:
Efinovatic: pascualunavarra [dot] es (Miguel Ángel Pascual Buisan)
CENER: msampedrocener [dot] com (Marta Sampedro Bores)
Last update of this information:
14 October 2024
The SRI Advisor tool provides Building Owners and Managers with tailored recommendations on how to improve their SRI score (i.e., both the overall SRI score, score of key functionalities, and the score of the 7 SRI impact categories (e.g. energy efficiency, comfort, energy flexibility etc.). The tool performs different sensitivity analyses based on results of initial SRI assessment, possible technology renovation packages and/or different flexibility scenarios, with a view to determining the most cost-effective building upgrades to achieve a higher SRI score-performance. The SRI advisor tool is fed by data stored and computed by the other components of the EVELIXIA platform (the Digital Building Logbook (DBL), Stakeholder Interaction Platform).
Targeted user(s):
Building owners; Property asset managers; Public authorities; SRI Assessors; Maintenance and engineering companies
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
Further information about the tool:
R2M Solution France,igor [dot] perevozchikovr2msolution [dot] com ( Igor PEREVOZCHIKOV)
CERTH, skoltsiositi [dot] gr (Stavros KOLTSIOS)
Last update of this information:
16 October 2024
The SmartLivingEPC Asset Rating Engine constitutes a suite of tools that facilitate the creation of a holistic rating system for assessing a building's energy and environmental performance. The development of the SmartLivingEPC rating system produces outcomes from various assessments (SRI, energy, and non-energy analysis, LCA, and building systems energy auditing). The generated set of KPIs from each tool are centrally collected to the Asset Rating Engine and combined in a weighted approach to issue the total SmartLivingEPC Asset Rating class of the examined object and issue the Asset Rating report.
The Asset Rating Engine receives all essential information through the Web Platform and a set of external APIs. The building-related documentation may originate from user inputs or from existing documentation within Building Information Modeling (BIM). The latter plays a crucial role in the SmartLivingEPC framework, as it automates significant portions of the building’s assessment process. The external APIs are used to retrieve mostly weather data. The outcomes are forwarded to the Web platform for end-user access and are also archived in the Web Platform Database for future retrieval.
The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) component is utilized to calculate the SRI score of the examined asset along with the associated KPIs used to measure the building's ability to adapt its operation to the needs of the occupants and the electricity grid, while ensuring high levels of energy efficiency and overall performance. The development of the tool has been based on the latest calculation spreadsheet prepared by the SRI support team contracted by DG ENER. Furthermore, the tool is equipped with a backend system that enables the extraction of essential building documentation from the BIM file, enhancing IFC literacy. The generated outputs are forwarded to the SmartLivingEPC Web Platform for end-user access and are also archived in the Web Platform Database for future retrieval.
The SmartLivingEPC SRI analysis tool is an enhancement of the D2EPC SRI Calculation Subcomponent, focusing on the efficient integration of BIM literacy leveraging an innovative rule-checking methodology.
Targeted user(s):
Building Owners/Investors/Tenants/End Users/Real estate agents, Engineers, Building designers
Type of tool:
Languages currently supported:
Current Technology Readiness Level:
Envisaged exploitation model of the tool:
Not decided yet
Name of the project(s) associated with the development of this tool:
SmartLivingEPC (Advanced Energy Performance Assessment towards Smart Living in Building and District Level)
CERTH ITI, djoanniditi [dot] gr (Dimosthenis Ioannidis)
CERTH ITI,aveliskakiiti [dot] gr ( Aggeliki Veliskaki), nkatsaros
iti [dot] gr (Nikos Katsaros )
Last update of this information:
22 October 2024