EU Energy Platform matches more than 7bcm of gas supply and demand in fourth tender - European Commission
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  • News announcement
  • 7 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for Energy
  • 1 min read

EU Energy Platform matches more than 7bcm of gas supply and demand in fourth tender

The fourth tender for the joint purchasing of gas under the EU Energy Platform attracted bids from 13 reliable international suppliers for a total volume of 9.13 billion cubic meters (bcm), in response to the aggregated European demand of 10.06 bcm. Based on the volumes offered, the AggregateEU mechanism matched 7.35 bcm of aggregated demand with relevant offers.

All participants have been informed about the matching results and will now be able to start contractual negotiations for gas to be delivered between January 2024 and March 2025. Negotiations are conducted outside of the AggregateEU mechanism between the parties.

This exercise concludes four rounds of demand aggregation and tendering through the mechanism this year. A combined volume of 42.13 billion cubic meters of aggregated European gas demand was matched with offers by reliable suppliers. Introduced in April 2023, the EU Energy Platform has demonstrated the EU’s ability to use its collective weight to secure reliable gas supplies from international partners and make our energy supply more diverse. The Commission has recently proposed to the Council to prolong by 12 months the legal basis for the demand aggregation and joint gas purchasing system alongside other emergency measures introduced last year to tackle the energy crisis as an additional safeguard amid tight global energy markets.

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Publication date
7 December 2023
Directorate-General for Energy