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Stakeholder forum III: heat pumps action plan


Rolling out heat pumps is central to the clean energy transition and to achieving carbon neutrality in line with the goals set in the European Green Deal. All policy scenarios underpinning the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative proposals show a significant uptake of heat pumps in all sectors, notably in buildings. To meet the 2030 targets and deliver the needed fast decarbonisation of heat, installing boilers in new buildings and replacing fossil-fuel boilers with newer ones should be discontinued as soon as possible.  

The European Commission is preparing an action plan to accelerate the roll-out of heat pumps. It will take the form of strategic communication to be adopted towards the end of 2023 and include specific measures to address the main barriers and strengthen the pull factors for a faster roll-out of heat pumps.

As part of its stakeholder consultation strategy, on 28 April 2023, the European Commission launched a Call for Evidence on the Have Your Say portal, which closed on 26 May 2023. It was followed by an open public consultation, launched in June 2023 and open until 30 August 2023.

This hybrid event will focus on financing the roll-out of heat pumps and it is the third of a series of 4 stakeholder events that are being set up to provide a focused exchange and discussion on the envisaged building blocks of the communication.


  • 27 JUNE 2023
Agenda heat pumps III

The presentations are available on a dedicated CIRCABC page.

The dates and themes for the coming events are listed below.

  • September - Supportive framework conditions and governance (European, national, regional and local)

For social media: follow @Energy4europe #HeatPumps

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  • energy efficiency
  • Wednesday 5 July 2023, 09:45 - 16:30 (CEST)

Practical information

Wednesday 5 July 2023, 09:45 - 16:30 (CEST)