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Investors Dialogues on Energy webinar: #6 Net-Zero Industry Act

©Investors Dialogue on Energy

The Investors Dialogue on Energy will host its sixth webinar on the topic of the Net-Zero Industry Act on Friday 7 June!

Join us for a webinar with DG ENER and DG GROW that will present the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), a key legislation reshaping the landscape for clean energy investments. Being a key pillar of the European Commission's Green Deal Industrial Plan, NZIA will enhance the competitiveness and resilience of the European net-zero technologies industry and aim at fostering investments in the sector. NZIA sets a benchmark for the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies to meet at least 40% of the EU’s annual deployment needs by 2030.

Why it matters?

A secure and robust supply of clean energy technologies is essential for accelerating the energy transition. Despite the EU's strong manufacturing base in sectors like wind energy and heat pumps, EU market shares are falling. Over 90% of the PV modules deployed in Europe originate from China. To bolster resilient value chains in Europe and diversify supply, the European Commission has introduced legislative initiatives such as the Critical Raw Material Act and NZIA, offering new opportunities for energy and investment stakeholders.

What is in for you?

  • Understanding NZIA's objectives and key measures such as non-price criteria, streamlined permitting procedures, strategic projects , net-zero acceleration valleys, and linkages to financing tools.
  • Providing your feedback on the implementation of NZIA.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable perspectives on new investment opportunities and contribute to shaping the future of clean energy manufacturing in the EU. 

What is the ID-E? 

The Investors Dialogue on Energy (ID-E) is a multi-level stakeholder platform that brings together experts from the energy and finance sectors in all EU countries. Their aim is to assess and upgrade financing schemes to mobilise financing in the context of the European Green Deal and REPowerEU. 

To join the ID-E Community or send an enquiry about the webinar, email the organisers at lu_investors_dialogueatpwc [dot] com (lu_investors_dialogue[at]pwc[dot]com) 

For social media: #InvestorsDialogueEnergy

Related links

  • financing | energy policy
  • Friday 7 June 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 (CEST)
  • Online only

Practical information

Friday 7 June 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 (CEST)
Online only