- Status
- Open
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
Competent ministries and national regulatory authorities of EU Member States and third countries, electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs) and other project promoters, utilities, industry associations, environmental and consumer organisations and representatives of civil society, citizens, and other relevant stakeholders
Why we are consulting
The consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) in all infrastructure categories in view of adopting the second Union list of PCIs and PMIs has been launched and will remain open until Friday, 25 April 2025 (midnight).
Regulation (EU) 2022/869 of the European Parliament and the Council of 30 May 2022 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, amending Regulations (EC) No 715/2009, (EU) 2019/942 and (EU) 2019/943 and Directives 2009/73/EC and (EU) 2019/944, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 (TEN-E), provides guidelines for the timely development and the interoperability of the priority corridors and areas of trans-European energy infrastructure which contribute to climate change mitigation by supporting the achievement of the EU climate and energy 2030 targets and the EU climate neutrality objective by 2050 at the latest. The TEN-E enables the development of trans-European energy interconnections, strengthens energy security, furthers market and system integration and promotes competition benefitting all Member States and their citizens.
As part of the TEN-E framework, eleven priority corridors and three thematic areas have been identified as requiring infrastructure upgrades. The TEN-E also lays down the procedure and criteria for a project to become a Project of Common Interest (PCI) on any of these corridors and thematic areas. The TEN-E includes in its scope selection criteria for Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) between the Union and third countries that are mutually beneficial and necessary for the energy transition and the achievement of the climate targets and which meet the specific criteria of the TEN-E.
The identification and selection of PCIs and PMIs is based on a regional approach, being carried out by multi-stakeholder Regional Groups. The Regional Groups consist of representatives of competent ministries and national regulatory authorities of EU Member States and third countries, electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs) and other project promoters, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Gas (ENTSOG), the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Commission. Furthermore, the meetings of the Regional Groups are open to all interested parties, such as utilities, industry associations, environmental and consumer organisations and representatives of civil society, who are invited, consulted and expected to contribute to the work carried out within the groups.
Every two years, the PCI/ PMI selection process kicks off with the project submission phase. Project promoters submit their project proposals for electricity (including offshore) transmission and storage infrastructure, hydrogen and electrolysers, smart electricity grids, smart gas grids and carbon dioxide (CO2) networks to the dedicated Regional Groups for assessment. The project proposals become candidates for the status of PCI and PMI. Regional Groups evaluate the candidate projects against the general and specific criteria as defined in the TEN-E.
In addition to the infrastructure categories mentioned above, the Commission is also consulting on submitted proposals for interconnections with Cyprus and Malta pursuant to Art. 24 TEN-E.
On Friday, 31 January 2025, the Commission launched a consultation, which is open for feedback from all interested stakeholders and the public until Friday, 25 April 2025. The feedback to the consultation is going to be published on CIRCABC. The results will be presented to the Regional Groups in the course of their assessment of the candidate projects.
The assessment by the Regional Groups and Thematic Areas will be carried out in the first half year of 2025 with a perspective to adopt the second Union list of PCIs and PMIs as Commission Delegated Regulation of the TEN-E by end 2025.
Before submitting their contribution to the consultation on candidate PCI/ PMIs in all infrastructure categories, prospective respondents are invited to consult the detailed information provided for each candidate project.
How to submit your response
We welcome contributions from all interested stakeholders and the public. We ask you to access the respective EU Surveys of the following infrastructure categories and follow the respective instructions.
- Hydrogen infrastructure and electrolyser facilities
- Electricity transmission and storage infrastructure
- Smart electricity grids (SEGs)
- Smart gas grids (SGGs)
- CO2 networks
- Cyprus and Malta
We welcome your contribution in any official language of the European Union. However, due to delays in translating comments submitted in languages other than English, the treatment of the replies will be slightly longer.
Feedback on consultation of candidate PCIs and PMIs
Shortly after the end of the consultation period, the feedback to the consultation is going to be made available on CIRCABC.
We draw your attention to the specific privacy statement for this consultation regarding the collection and use of your personal data provided on this occasion and the rights and obligation deriving therein.