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Cooperation mechanisms

Different EU countries may be better suited to producing a particular type of renewable energy, but they can collaborate to reach their overarching renewable energy goals, no matter where it is produced. 

3 cooperation mechanisms set up under the Renewable Energy Directive (EC/2018/2001) support this collaboration

  • statistical transfers
  • joint projects between EU countries or EU countries and non-EU countries
  • joint support schemes

Statistical transfers

A statistical transfer involves an amount of renewable energy being deducted from one country's progress towards its target and added to another's. This is simply an accounting procedure, as no actual energy changes hands.

This cooperation mechanism provides added incentive for EU countries to exceed their targets, because they can receive a payment for energy they transfer to others. It also allows countries with less cost-effective renewable energy sources at their disposal to achieve their targets at a lower cost.

In December 2021, the Commission launched the Union renewables development platform to facilitate statistical transfers of renewable energy between EU countries. 

It provides EU countries' administrations with relevant information and offers a tool to help countries find potential partners and agree on the conditions of a statistical transfer. 

Union renewables development platform

The platform can help EU countries increase their statistical share of renewable energy to meet the baseline for their contribution to the 2030 target.

Joint projects 

2 or more EU countries can co-fund a renewable energy project in electricity or heating and cooling and share the energy to meet their targets. These projects can, but do not have to, involve the physical transfer of energy from one country to another.

EU countries may also enter into joint projects with non-EU countries. The energy generated will count towards national targets if the project involves electricity generation or the physical flows of energy into the EU (to ensure the project increases the amount of renewable energy used in the EU).

In December 2022, the Commission published its ‘Guidance on cost-benefit sharing in renewable energy cooperation projects’, which aims to support EU countries willing to engage in cross-border cooperation projects in the area of renewable energy generation, helping them find a mutually beneficial solution to share the related costs and benefits.

Financing cross-border cooperation

Joint support schemes and opening of national support schemes

2 or more EU countries can co-fund a joint support scheme to encourage renewable energy production in one or both of their territories. This form of cooperation can involve measures such as a common feed-in tariff, a common feed-in premium, or a common quota and certificate trading regime. 

In December 2022, the Commission published its ‘Guidance on cost-benefit sharing in renewable energy cooperation projects’, which aims to support EU countries willing to engage in such projects by helping them find a mutually beneficial solution to sharing the related costs and benefits.

Another possibility for cooperation on renewable energy support schemes is the opening of national support schemes for producers located in other EU countries.

Support schemes for renewable energy