Clean Energy Industrial Forum
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Clean Energy Industrial Forum

The forum aims to put the EU clean energy industry back on track to deliver on the EU Green Deal’s 2030 ambitions, and double its annual growth by 2024 compared to the period 2010-2020.

The Clean Energy Industrial Forum was established by the European Commission within the Clean energy for all Europeans package, adopted in 2019, to help achieve at least 55% of greenhouse gas reductions in the EU by 2030 and deliver the European Green Deal’s objectives to provide reliable, affordable and sustainable clean energy for all.

The first high-level meeting of the forum took place in 2018 and brought together some thirty CEOs and leaders of the clean energy industry. It focused on how to reinforce the competitiveness of the EU renewable energy industry's value chain, with detailed discussions on the role of research and innovation areas and trade policies to improve the industry's competitiveness.


Led by the European Commission, the forum works to

  • identify manufacturing challenges and gaps affecting competitiveness of the EU clean energy industry and possible ways to address them
  • identify common regulatory barriers and provide input for future policy recommendations to overcome them
  • communicate about recent developments and innovations in the clean energy industry and promote their further outreach

The forum aims at developing recommendations on how to strengthen the industrial basis and the EU value chain for renewable energy technologies, identifying new actions and initiatives for key sectors and segments to increase the competitiveness of EU clean energy industries at global scale. Its work contributed to the first clean energy competitiveness progress report, published in 2020, which takes stock on the economic potential of the clean energy sector.


Following the relaunch of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum (CEIF) at the EU Industry Days 2021, its first high-level meeting took place on 3 December 2021.

Despite the forum’s new mandate, it will play an important role in aligning the EU's industry strategy with its ambitious climate objectives. The forum will also offer the renewable industry a place to bring together all value chains and discuss how instruments, such as trade policy, carbon pricing or funding for research, can help industry build up its capacity to maximise the production of renewable energy, quickly convert our cars and the heating of our homes to electricity and produce enough renewable hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in all sectors.

Working group on offshore renewable energy

A dedicated working group on offshore renewable energy was set up in 2021, as required by the EU strategy for offshore renewable energy, to contribute to reaching the EU’s offshore renewable energy ambitions of an installed capacity of at least 60 GW offshore wind and at least 1 GW of ocean energy by 2030, with a view to achieving capacity of at least 300 GW and 40 GW respectively by 2050.

It aims to identify and define the challenges which the sector faces and potential implementation bottlenecks for reaching the 2030 and 2050 goals and develop recommendations for overcoming these. A call for interest was launched in July 2021 and the working group’s first meeting took place on 13 October 2021. In view of the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) Summit on 12 September 2022, the working-group prepared an informative note on the offshore supply chain.
