The production and use of energy accounts for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, making the clean energy transition central to achieving our decarbonisation objectives by 2050. This cannot be achieved without a sufficient workforce equipped with the right skills.
Energy efficiency – creating jobs that save energy
Investing in energy efficiency not only saves energy and reduces bills for consumers, it also creates green jobs. The EU’s construction sector employs almost 25 million people in approximately 5.3 million firms. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular benefit from a boosted renovations market, as they make up 99% of EU construction companies and 90% of the employment in the sector.
People saving energy videos
These videos present individual portraits of people working on energy efficiency and energy savings across Europe. They talk about their hopes and ambitions, their contribution to reaching our common energy efficiency targets and what inspired them to pursue this professional path.
The videos are also available on DG ENER’s YouTube channel and can be downloaded or embedded from the dedicated page on the European Commission’s Audiovisual portal, in 22 languages and in a shorter (teaser) or longer version (+/- 2 minutes).
Gerrit-Jan, a machine operator in the Netherlands, builds panels that insulate buildings' facades, improve their energy performance, and help save on energy bills.
Florian works in a laboratory in Germany, testing domestic lighting and other electronic consumer products for compliance with EU ecodesign and energy label rules.
Laura works as a project manager for an energy and sustainability consultancy in France, advising companies and industries on energy efficiency, decarbonisation and sustainable development.
Paula, an energy advisor in Croatia, shows vulnerable people how to insulate their homes with small changes that make a big difference in their energy consumption and bills.
Renewable energy – a growing sector
The EU’s binding renewable energy target for 2030 is 42.5%, up from the previous 32% target, and the renewable energy sector is growing rapidly. It employed around 1.3 million people in 2020 and 3 years later, the amount of jobs in the renewable sector had grown to 1.8 million (IRENA and ILO annual review 2024), but to reach the 2030 target, it is estimated that 3.5 million jobs are needed by 2030.
According to a Eurobarometer survey carried out in autumn 2023, 62% of small and medium-sized enterprises in the energy sector faced difficulties recruiting staff with the right skills. The large-scale renewable energy skills partnership, launched in 2023, will help the massive deployment of renewables needed for the clean energy transition.
People with energy videos
This series, launched in 2022, focuses on renewable energy. In each of the 6 videos, we meet EU citizens working in renewable energy installations, in different parts of Europe. They explain what they do, highlight the benefits of renewables and share their insights about the job opportunities that the sector offers.
The videos are available in short and slightly longer versions with subtitles in 22 official EU languages. They can be downloaded or embedded directly from the dedicated page in the European Commission's Audiovisual Service portal or watched on DG ENER's YouTube channel (in original version with EN subtitles).
Marek Gielarowiec discusses his wor as an electrician at a solar farm in Poland.
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh is the mayor of Malmö, Sweden. She explains how the city became a model for renewable energy.
Meet Renè Ostermann, a power plant technician working at a hydropower station in Austria.
Benedetta Rospigliosi is a dairy farmer who also produces biogas in Cremona, Italy.
Rayco Morán Cabrera works as a technician in Gran Canaria, Spain. With underwater vehicles, he can collect environmental data to find the best locations for installing wind turbines.
European Year of skills 2023
Through the organisation of activities and events across Europe, the European Year of Skills 2023 will help to promote skills development, thereby improving professional and life opportunities for people. This will enable the EU to become more competitive by boosting its workforce and ensuring that the green and digital transformations and the economic recovery are socially fair and just.
Related links
- People with energy (renewable energy focus): European Commission's Audiovisual Service - DG Energy YouTube playlist
- People saving energy (energy efficiency focus): European Commission's Audiovisual Service - DG Energy YouTube playlist
- European Year of skills 2023
- REPowerEU: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for Europe
- In focus: Employment in EU’s renewable energy sector (14/06/2022)