The EU’s reformed electricity market design helps integrate renewables, protect consumers and pursue the clean energy transition.
The governance of the internal energy market rules, initially adopted in 2009, were updated in 2019 for electricity and in 2024 for gas.
EU energy policy aims to protect and empower consumers, combat energy poverty and support energy communities across Europe.
The EU’s network codes for electricity and gas set rules on wholesale energy trading in the EU.
In line with the European Green Deal, the EU has revised its rules to decarbonise the existing gas market and create a hydrogen market.
EU response to the surge in energy prices and implementing RePowerEU in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine early 2022.
Smart grids and smart meters enable better management of energy networks and more efficient consumption.
Capacity mechanisms are measures taken in support of medium and long term electricity supply security.
Energy taxation has a significant impact on consumer prices, consumption, and investment in the energy sector.
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