Funding for PCIs and PMIs
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Funding for PCIs and PMIs

The Connecting Europe Facility for Energy is the main source of funding for energy interconnectors.

Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), and since the entry into force of the revised TEN-E Regulation, Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs), are eligible for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU fund for boosting energy, transport, and digital infrastructure. The CEF programme for 2021-2027 allocates a total budget of €5.8 billion to the energy sector. It also includes a new section to support cross-border projects for renewable energy.

The European Investment Bank also plays an important role in financing cross-border infrastructure projects.


Commission Implementing Decision of the CEF 2024 call for proposals under the multi-annual work programme 2021-2027.

Implementing decision C(2025) 1470 | Annex

Implementing decision C(2024) 482 | Annex, amending Implementing decision (C(2022) 793 on the multiannual work programme 2021-2027

A new call for proposals for key cross-border EU infrastructure projects was launched on 11 April 2024. PCIs on the first list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) can apply for co-financing through grants worth €850 million from the Connecting Europe Facility.


Commission Implementing Decision of the CEF 2023 call for proposals under the multi-annual work programme 2021-2027

Implementing decision C(2024) 364 | Annex

A new call for proposals for key cross-border EU infrastructure projects was launched on 18 April 2023. PCIs on the 5th PCI list can apply for co-financing through grants worth €750 million from the Connecting Europe Facility.


Commission Implementing Decision of the CEF 2022 call for proposals under the multi-annual work programme 2021-2027.

Implementing decision C(2023) 217 | Annex

Implementing decision C(2022) 7393 | Annex, amending Implementing decision (C(2021) 5791 on the multiannual work programme

The second CEF Energy PCI call for proposal, making €800 million available to finance clean energy infrastructure projects, was open for submission from 18 May to 1 September 2022.


Commission Implementing Decision of the CEF 2021 call for proposals under the multi-annual work programme 2021-2027.

Implementing decision C(2022) 1332 | Annex

This year marks the start of the new multiannual work programme from 2021-2027, with an indicative timetable and budget for the calls for proposals 2021-23.

Implementing decision (C(2021) 5791) | Annex

The first CEF Energy PCI call for proposal, making €785 million available to finance clean energy infrastructure projects, was open for submission from 7 September to 19 October 2021.


A total of €998 million in CEF grants was allocated to 10 PCIs in 2020, 2 for electricity transmission, 1 for smart electricity grids, 6 for CO2 transport (including 5 studies), and 1 for gas.

List of actions selected for receiving financial assistance under the CEF Energy Call for Proposals 2020

The publication 'CEF Energy: supported actions 2014-2020' provides an overview of the 149 actions that received funding, amounting to a total of €4.7bn, in the 2014-2020 period. These went to electricity, smart grids, CO2 and natural gas infrastructure projects, with the aim to better interconnect energy networks and thereby strengthen the single energy market in Europe.


A total of €556 million in CEF grants was allocated to 8 PCIs in 2019, 6 in the electricity sector, 2 in the gas sector.

List of actions selected for receiving financial assistance under the CEF Energy Call for Proposals 2019


A total of €848 million in CEF grants was allocated to 22 PCIs in 2018, 11 in the electricity sector, 5 in the gas sector, 3 for smart grids, and 3 for carbon capture technology.

List of projects selected for funding under the first CEF Energy call for proposals 2018

List of projects selected for funding under the second CEF Energy call for proposals 2018


A total of €873 million in CEF grants was allocated to 17 PCIs in 2017, 8 in the electricity sector and 9 in the gas sector. 4 were for construction works and 13 for studies.

List of projects selected for funding under the 2017 CEF Energy call for proposals


A total of €707 million in grants was allocated to 27 PCIs in 2016 after two calls for proposals. Of these grants, 11 were for projects in the electricity sector and 15 for projects in the gas sector; 1 was for a smart grid project. 8 grants were for construction works and 19 for studies.

List of projects selected for funding under the first 2016 CEF Energy call for proposals

List of projects selected for funding under the second 2016 CEF Energy call for proposals


In 2015 a total of €366 million from the CEF was allocated to 35 PCIs. Of those, 20 were in the gas sector and 15 in the electricity sector. The bulk of the support went to projects in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe as well as in the Baltic region.

List of projects selected for funding under the first 2015 CEF Energy call for proposals

List of projects selected for funding under the second 2015 CEF Energy call for proposals


Under the 2014 CEF call, €647 million was allocated to PCIs and 34 proposals were selected to receive grants for studies or works. The majority of projects involved electricity and gas transmission lines, but the list also featured electricity storage projects, underground gas storage projects, and LNG terminals. The bulk of funds went to proposals addressing urgent security of supply needs in the Baltic region.

List of projects selected for funding under the 2014 CEF Energy call for proposals