PCI and PMI selection process
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PCI and PMI selection process

Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest are selected in multi-stakeholder regional groups based on well-defined criteria through a call for applications in a process running every 2 years.

The work on Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest (PCIs and PMIs) is coordinated by regional groups, dedicated to each of the following types of energy infrastructure: electricity, offshore grid development, hydrogen and electrolysers, smart electricity grids, smart gas grids and CO2 networks, in line with the scope of the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation. 

How can a project become a PCI or PMI?

The energy infrastructure project must have a significant impact on energy markets and market integration in at least 2 EU countries. It should boost competition on energy markets and help the EU's energy security by diversifying sources, as well as contribute to the EU's climate and energy goals by integrating renewables.

Establishing the PCI and PMI list

Every 2 years since 2013, the Commission draws up a new Union list of Projects of Common Interest. With the entry into force of the revised TEN-E Regulation in 2022, the list also includes Projects of Mutual Interest.

The process of the 2nd PCI/PMI list

  1. 28 April 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group for Hydrogen (electrolyser facilities in HI WEST) - will be webstreamed  

  2. 14 April 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group for Hydrogen (HI EAST)

  3. 11 April 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group for Hydrogen (BEMIP)

  4. 8 April 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group on CO2 - will be webstreamed

  5. 7 April 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group for Hydrogen (HI WEST)

  6. 19-20 March 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group for electricity and offshore

    Web-streaming links: 19 March I 20 March

  7. 14 March 2025

    Presentation of PCI/PMI candidate projects in the cross-regional group on smart grids for electricity and gas

  8. 10 March 2025

    The cross-regional meeting on needs in hydrogen and electrolysers TEN-E Cross-Regional Group

  9. 19 February 2025

    The cross-regional meeting on needs in electricity and offshore 

  10. 31 January 2025

    Targeted consultation on candidates in all energy infrastructure categories

  11. 16 December 2024

    The cross-regional meetings on hydrogen and electrolysers 

  12. 13 December 2024

    The cross-regional meetings on electricity and offshore 

  13. 17 June 2024

    The Commission held an informative session 

  14. 2 October 2024

    The first PCI/PMI meeting provided an opportunity for project promoters to receive updates on the process and ask questions regarding the submission window.

  15. 18 September 2024

    Call for application welcoming the project promoters for all TEN-E categories to submit their projects by the indicated deadlines.

Call for applications

For electricity and gas projects to be eligible for inclusion on the PCI and PMI list, they must be part of the latest available 10-year network development plan (TYNDP). Every 2 years the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSOs for Electricity and for Gas) first establishes  the system’s needs under different future and disruption scenarios. Then, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is performed for all submitted projects, assessing their contribution to meeting the system’s needs.

For smart grids, CO2 networks and oil projects, specific assessment methods are used.

Promoters of projects that are potentially eligible for PCI or PMI status can apply to be included in the selection process through the open call for applications, launched by the Commission.

Project assessment in the regional groups

Regional groups assess the compliance of applications with the specific PCI and PMI selection criteria, as defined under Article 4 of the TEN-E Regulation. Following this assessment, the applications are ranked by the Decision-Making Bodies of the regional groups, consisting of EU countries and the Commission.

Regional Groups

Chaired by the Commission, regional groups include representatives from EU countries, transmission system operators and their European networks, project promoters, national regulatory authorities, as well as the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

Their role is to assess the projects' potential contribution to EU energy infrastructure priorities, their fulfilment of the relevant criteria and their maturity. Stakeholders are invited to take part in these meetings and can offer their insights on infrastructure bottlenecks and the candidate PCIs and/or PMIs. Decision-making in the Regional Groups is reserved for a body comprising of EU countries and the Commission.

The revised TEN-E regulation identifies the following infrastructure priorities, based on priority corridors and thematic areas

Finalising the list

The assessment results in several regional lists of proposed PCIs and PMIs, which the Commission adopts as an EU-wide list in the form of a delegated act.

The Commission submits the list of projects to the European Parliament and the Council. These institutions have 2 months to oppose the list as a whole or ask for an extension of 2 months to finalise their position – they cannot request amendments. If neither institution rejects the list, it enters into force.