The national energy and climate plans (NECPs) were introduced by the Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999, agreed as part of the Clean energy for all Europeans package, adopted in 2019.
Areas covered by the NECPs
The national plans outline how the EU countries intend to address
- energy efficiency
- renewables
- greenhouse gas emissions reductions
- interconnections
- research and innovation
This approach requires a coordination across all government departments. It also provides a level of planning that will ease public and private investment.
Draft NECPs
The draft NECPs were submitted early 2019. The Commission prepared a Communication assessing the 28 draft NECPs in June 2019 (COM/2019/285), together with specific recommendations and a detailed "Staff Working Document" for each EU country.
The Commission also published detailed annexes on methodology (SWD/2019/212) and national forestry accounting plans (SWD/2019/213).
Final NECPs
The final integrated national energy and climate plans for the period from 2021 to 2030 were submitted by EU countries by 31 December 2019. The Commission’s individual assessments of each plan (in English and the relevant national language) were published later in 2020.
Draft updates of the NECPs
By 30 June 2023, EU countries were expected to submit their draft updated NECPs to the Commission, in line with Article 14 of the Governance Regulation.
National long-term strategies
Under the governance regulation, EU countries were also required to develop national long-term strategies by 1 January 2020 and ensure consistency between long-term-strategies and the 10-year NECPs.
Related links
- Climate and energy policy progress eplatform - governance and reporting
- EU-wide assessment of the 27 final NECPs COM(2020) 564 final
- Communication assessing the 28 draft NECPs COM(2019) 285 final
- Accompanying annex to the communication: Methodology SWD(2019) 212 final
- Accompanying annex to the communication: Assessment of the national forestry accounting plans SWD(2019) 213 final
- Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action ((EU)2018/1999)