Eighth report on the state of the energy union - European Commission
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Eighth report on the state of the energy union

The 2023 state of the energy union report was published on 24 October 2023. It is structured in 3 parts, where the first describes how the high climate and environmental ambitions under the European Green Deal provided the basis for the EU’s crisis response strategy in 2022 and a strategy for growth and competitiveness; the second part analyses the state of play in the implementation of the Energy Union in all its 5 dimensions, based on the Commission’s assessment of EU countries’ progress reports on their national energy and climate plans (NECPs); and the last part points to future challenges for the EU energy system and energy policy.

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Main findings of the report

The report describes how the EU responded collectively to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and weaponisation of its energy exports, by saving energy, diversifying supplies and accelerating the clean energy transition. The EU reduced its gas demand by more than 18% compared with the previous 5 years, saving around 53 billion cubic metres of gas. 

The REPowerEU Plan, and a series of emergency legislative measures, ensured that Europe avoided energy supply disruptions, eased pressure on energy markets and prices, and pursued the structural reform of our energy system through the EU Green Deal legislation and through increased deployment of renewable energy. In 2022, 39% of electricity was generated by renewables and the month of May saw wind and solar energy surpass fossil fuels for the first time in EU electricity generation.

Ahead of winter 2023-2024, the EU is well prepared to ensure its energy security, thanks to gas storage facilities, which are at 98% full, diversified energy import routes and infrastructure, investments in renewable energy, and collective efforts to reduce energy demand.

While the worst effects of the crisis may now be behind us, the report highlights that there is no room for complacency. The EU needs to continue to ensure affordable, reliable, and accessible energy for households and to enhance the industrial and economic competitiveness of its industry, supporting investments in clean technologies.

Reports and annexes

Together with the report, the Commission published 28 comprehensive overview fiches, one for the EU as a whole and one per EU country. All the accompanying reports and annexes are listed below.