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SRI platform, events and news

The SRI platform includes stakeholder working groups, task forces and yearly plenary meetings. Other SRI events are organised regularly.

Material from events in other languages and considering national specificities, is available at the page “The SRI in EU countries”.

Working groups

In addition to the plenary meetings, the platform also includes working groups. In January 2024, their scope was reshuffled to take into account the recent kick-off of LIFE projects addressing the SRI topic. Each working group now corresponds to the different kinds of stakeholders involved in and impacted by the SRI development and roll-out

  • Working Group 1 - Member State SRI test phase

    The purpose of this working group is to share experiences and support on the testing and initial implementation of the SRI in Member States, to support evaluation and to consolidate the reporting by Member States formally involved in testing the SRI. All Member States are invited to join this working group to gain insights on the experience of testing the SRI during Member State pilot activities.

  • Working Group 2 - LIFE projects cluster

    This working group provides a bridge across the LIFE project developments and the SRI policy implementation agenda. It seeks to ensure communication and consistency between the LIFE projects, to link with and support Members States’ authorities and to contribute to preparing the policy uptake of the SRI. Relevant LIFE-CET projects are included in this working group.

  • Working Group 3 - Building sector, research and industry stakeholders

    The scope of this working group is to help provide structure on stakeholders’ viewpoints on the SRI, including its methodology (legal and technical framework) and its value proposition, to stakeholders to provide feedback and advice to policy makers. Application for membership to this working group is open to any applicant but the total membership is limited. Membership will be revised every year.

SRI task forces

Thematic, vertical task forces allow working groups to join forces towards specific objectives, with the support of the European Commission and the SRI support team. They comprise:

  • Communication and training 
    • To develop informative material to promote the SRI, facilitate its understanding by relevant stakeholders, provide best practices and exemplary smart-ready buildings, etc. and to update the existing training material, considering national specificities and the training material developed by the LIFE projects.
  • Monitoring
    • To monitor the roll-out of the SRI in a structured way by collecting qualitative and quantitative information from testing phases, LIFE projects, private initiatives and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Calculation
    • To help to review and refine the existing calculation methodology (generic technical framework) based on results from the testing phases conducted by EU countries
  • Strategy and roadmap
    • To provide input into and suggestions for a strategy for EU support for the implementation of the SRI and to improve smart readiness of EU buildings and provide input and suggestions into the associated roadmap.