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National action plans and annual progress reports

EU country plans show how they intend to meet their 2020 energy efficiency targets.

National energy efficiency action plans set out estimated energy consumption, planned energy efficiency measures, long-term renovation strategies, and the improvements that individual EU countries expect to achieve to reach the EU 2020 target of 20%.

Under the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27EU), EU countries must draw up these plans every 3 years and they must report the progress achieved towards their national energy efficiency targets on an annual basis.

The Commission provided a guidance document (SWD (2013) 180) establishing a template for the national energy efficiency action plans.

National action plans and progress reports 2017-2020

The below lists provides links to the EU countries’ current energy efficiency action plans and the most recent annual reports.

National plans for the EU 2030 target

For the period from 2021-2030, each EU country is required to draw up a 10-year integrated national energy & climate plan (NECP) outlining how it intends to meet the different targets for 2030, including energy efficiency.
