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Publications to support regions covering key just transition areas. Use the keyword search and filter functions to look through the repository of toolkits, case studies, and regional profiles.

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Publications (62)

Showing results 30 to 40
International experience of implementing revitalisation projects on former mining and industrial sites
General publications24 September 2021
International experience of implementing revitalisation projects on former mining and industrial sites

This report identifies lessons and insights for the revitalization of the former coal mining site of Brzeszcze Wschód [East]. The analysis is based on a desk-based review of literature pertaining to the repurposing of former industrial sites and analysis of brownfield site regeneration in Belgium...

  • Międzynarodowe doświadczenia z wdrażania projektów rewitalizacyjnych na byłych terenach górniczych i przemysłowych: Wnioski dla projektu “Rewitalizacja zamkniętej kopalni węgla Brzeszcze Wschód wraz z otoczeniem”

    Niniejszy raport wskazuje wnioski i spostrzeżenia na temat rewitalizacji dawnej kopalni Brzeszcze Wschód. Analiza została oparta na badaniach źródłowych literatury opisującej przekształcenia dawnych terenów przemysłowych i analizie rekultywacji terenów poprzemysłowych w Belgii, Czechach, Irlandii...

    (560.34 KB - PDF)
Socio-economic analysis of Sokolov East, Karlovy Vary
General publications24 September 2021
Socio-economic analysis of Sokolov East, Karlovy Vary

Within the scope of its support to the Karlovy Vary region, START has been requested to provide assistance and advice to explore employment creation challenges and possibilities within the Sokolov-East microregion, in the short and longer-term. This support should contribute to the formulation, by...

Sokolov East: Local Development and Employment Creation - Karlovy Vary
General publications24 September 2021
Sokolov East: Local Development and Employment Creation - Karlovy Vary
Coalition for a Clean Tomorrow Local Government, Clean Energy Production and Energy Clusters
General publications24 September 2021
Coalition for a Clean Tomorrow Local Government, Clean Energy Production and Energy Clusters

The report provides insights and lessons for Libiaz and the powiat of Chrzanow regarding the involvement of local government and communities in the production & distribution of clean energy and other elements of the energy system. Analysis is based on a desk-based review of literature pertaining to...

  • Koalicja na rzecz Czystego Jutra: Władze lokalne, produkcja czystej energii i klastry energii

    Raport dostarcza spostrzeżenia i wnioski dla Libiąża i powiatu chrzanowskiego dotyczące zaangażowania władz lokalnych i społeczności w produkcję i dystrybucję czystej energii i innych elementów system energetycznego. Analiza została oparta o przegląd literatury dotyczącej zaangażowania władz...

    (767.73 KB - PDF)
General publications24 September 2021
The five Ws of online stakeholder engagement - Webinar presentation
Renewable heating solutions and energy efficiency in the building sector - Karlovy Vary
General publications24 September 2021
Renewable heating solutions and energy efficiency in the building sector - Karlovy Vary

This document provides a review of renewable energy options for the Karlovy Vary Region, with a focus on renewable heating solutions and energy efficiency in the building sector. The document has been developed as part of the EU Coal Regions in Transition Initiative's Secretariat Technical...

Employment creation opportunities and future skills requirements in the Karlovy Vary region - Part II: longer-term opportunities
General publications24 September 2021
Employment creation opportunities and future skills requirements in the Karlovy Vary region - Part II: longer-term opportunities

This report assesses longer-term local employment creation opportunities and accompanying support mechanisms targeting displaced workers in the Karlovy Vary region. It builds on the first report in this series, which tracked the short-term employment and support mechanisms and opportunities in place...

Transition strategies toolkit: how to design effective strategies for coal regions in transition
General publications24 May 2020
Transition strategies toolkit: how to design effective strategies for coal regions in transition

Many stakeholders from coal regions in Europe have expressed the need for a robust regional strategy, which guides their choices and actions in the transition process they are facing. The various elements of a robust strategy should combine responses to short-term needs with long-term aspirations...

START technical assistance: lessons learnt from transition, good practices of projects and EU sources of funding
General publications24 September 2021
START technical assistance: lessons learnt from transition, good practices of projects and EU sources of funding
  • Pomoc techniczna START: Inicjatywa UE na rzecz regionów górniczych w procesie transformacji
    (6.27 MB - PDF)
Energy Strategy to 2030 with a Decarbonisation Path to 2050 in Asturias
General publications24 September 2021
Energy Strategy to 2030 with a Decarbonisation Path to 2050 in Asturias

This paper provides guidance on the logic and structure of the regional administration’s Energy Strategy and Decarbonisation Path and the prioritisation of its strategic objectives. The paper is based on feedback from the Directora General de Energía, Minería y Reactivación and Fundación Asturiana...