- Publication date
- 15 May 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Energy
These plans, referred to as NEEAPs, were submitted by EU countries in 2014 under Article 24(2) of the Energy Efficiency Directive (original language and English translation).
2014 third NEEAP - Austria
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 NEEAP Austria annex b
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 NEEAP Austria annex c
2014 NEEAP Austria annex d
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 NEEAP Austria annex e
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 NEEAP Austria annex f
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 NEEAP Austria annex g
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 third NEEAP - Belgium
2014 NEEAP Belgium - Flanders
2014 third NEEAP - Bulgaria
- Downloadбългарски
2014 third NEEAP - Croatia
- Downloadhrvatski
2014 third NEEAP - Cyprus
- Downloadελληνικά
2014 third NEEAP - Czechia
- Downloadčeština
2014 NEEAP Czechia updated
- Downloadčeština
2014 third NEEAP - Denmark
- Downloaddansk
2014 third NEEAP - Estonia
- Downloadeesti
2014 third NEEAP - Finland
- Downloadsuomi
2014 third NEEAP - France
- Downloadfrançais
2014 NEEAP France annex a
2014 third NEEAP - Germany
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 third NEEAP - Gibraltar
2014 third NEEAP - Greece
- Downloadελληνικά
2014 third NEEAP - Hungary
- Downloadmagyar
2014 third NEEAP - Ireland
2014 third NEEAP - Italy
- Downloaditaliano
2014 third NEEAP - Latvia
- Downloadlatviešu
2014 third NEEAP - Lithuania
- Downloadlietuvių
2014 third NEEAP - Luxembourg
- DownloadDeutsch
2014 third NEEAP - Malta
2014 NEEAP Malta annex a
2014 NEEAP Malta annex b
2014 NEEAP Malta annex c
2014 third NEEAP - Netherland
- DownloadNederlands
2014 third NEEAP - Poland
- Downloadpolski
2014 third NEEAP - Portugal
- Downloadportuguês
2014 third NEEAP - Romania
- Downloadromână
2014 third NEEAP - Slovakia
- Downloadslovenčina
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex a
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex b
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex c
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex d
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex e
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex f
2014 NEEAP Slovakia annex g
2014 third NEEAP - Slovenia
- Downloadslovenščina
2014 NEEAP Slovenia annex 1
2014 NEEAP Slovenia annex 2
2014 NEEAP Slovenia annex 4
2014 NEEAP Slovenia annex 7
2014 third NEEAP - Spain
- Downloadespañol
2014 third NEEAP - Sweden
- Downloadsvenska
2014 third NEEAP - United Kingdom
2014 NEEAP United Kingdom annex