Study on Quo vadis gas market regulatory framework
- Publication date
- 18 February 2018
- Author
- Directorate-General for Energy
The study "Quo Vadis EU gas regulatory framework" was carried out to analyse whether the current regulatory framework in the EU gas sector is efficient in order to maximise overall EU welfare or whether changes may be necessary, and if so provide recommendations. The study identifies potential inefficiencies of the EU gas market regulatory framework assuming the full implementation of the Third Energy Package and related gas Network Codes, and discusses possible additional regulatory measures which could potentially lead to the improvement of EU welfare. Please note, that the results of this study represent the views of the consultant and do not prejudice the content of a possible change of the gas regulatory framework.
Read the related discussion papers and the related stakeholder responses. These discussion papers served as input to the study and as basis for discussion.
Please note that comments received from stakeholders in conjunction with the discussion papers can and will not influence the ongoing selection process of the submitted consultant proposals which is the sole prerogative of DG Energy.