The 400 kV (kilovolt) double-circuit overhead electricity line between Ostrołęka-Stanisławów, commissioned in December 2023 by the Polish national transmission system operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., is the latest investment coming online to support the Baltic States in their efforts to synchronise with the continental European network. A Project of Common Interest since the 1st Union list of PCIs, the implementation of the Ostrołęka-Stanisławów was supported by regional funds under the European Regional Development Fund (POIiŚ 2014-2020), as well as funding of more than €3 million under the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy for design and environmental studies.
The 108 km electricity line will facilitate the Baltic states’ synchronous connection with the Continental European system via the existing interconnection between Lithuania and Poland (known as LitPol Link) by improving system flexibility and stability and increasing the security of supply in the Baltic states and Poland.
The project is supported through the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E), a policy focused on linking the energy infrastructure in all parts of the EU and the neighbourhood through Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs). Energy infrastructure projects located within one of the 11 priority corridors and 3 thematic areas can apply for PCI/PMI status and benefit from an accelerated permit granting process, improved regulatory treatment and access to funding through the Connecting Europe Facility under certain conditions.
Within the broader framework, this project is part of the priority corridor for the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan. It will support the synchronous operation of the Baltic States' electricity network with European networks after its completion in February 2025. More information on the Internal line between Stanisławów and Ostrołęka (PL) can be found in the factsheet.
The 3 Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) are the last remaining EU countries with electricity networks that are still synchronised with Russia and Belarus. Their synchronisation is a strategic project of common interest. Over the past 12 years, it has received significant political, technical, and financial EU support exceeding €1.2 billion worth of grants.
Related links
- Trans-European Networks for Energy
- Projects of Common Interest
- Baltic energy market interconnection plan
- News: Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania agree to synchronise their electricity grids with the European grid by early 2025 (3/8/2023)
- News: Commission, Baltic States and Poland commit to accelerated Baltic grid synchronisation with Continental Europe (19/12/2023)
- Connecting Europe Facility
- Publication date
- 24 January 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Energy