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News announcement21 December 2022Directorate-General for Energy1 min read

Commission launches stakeholder consultations on candidate Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs)

On 21 December the Commission opened a number of consultations on energy infrastructure projects under the revised Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation (EU/2022/869). The consultations, which run until 16 March, cover candidate projects in all energy infrastructure categories aiming to obtain the status of Project of Common Interest (PCI) or Project of Mutual Interest (PMI), as defined under the regulation.

The consultations opened shortly after the closure of the Call for applications for candidate projects in all categories under the revised TEN-E Regulation ( Project promoters submitted their project proposals for electricity transmission and storage infrastructure, smart electricity grids and CO2 networks. In addition, proposals for hydrogen and electrolysers, smart gas grids and offshore grid projects were submitted for the first time reflecting the revised scope of the TEN-E Regulation and alignment with the Green Deal objectives. The assessment will be carried out by multi-stakeholder regional groups on the basis of general and specific criteria as defined in the regulation.

The aim of the 12 weeks consultation is to seek stakeholders’ views on the candidate projects, which will subsequently be presented to the regional groups in view of their assessment. This assessment by the regional groups will be carried out in spring 2023 with a view to adopting the first Union list of PCIs and PMIs under the new TEN-E Regulation in November 2023.

How to submit your response

The Commission welcomes contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities through the dedicated online questionnaires available on the consultation page.

Shortly after the end of the consultation period, a report summarising the contributions will be made available on our webpage.

Link to consultations


Publication date
21 December 2022
Directorate-General for Energy