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Training and workshops

Industrial carbon management: Results of the public consultation

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In this workshop, the Commission will present the results obtained in the call for evidence and public consultation on industrial carbon management that was open to stakeholders and the public from early June to end August in 2023.

The objective is to share views and provide feedback on the technological options to capture CO2 emissions before they can reach the atmosphere, transport, store, or use them in a carbon management value chain.

The feedback received will serve as important input for the Commission to develop a strategy on how these technologies can best contribute to the objective of reaching climate neutrality for the EU by 2050 and set a strategic vision for industrial carbon management in the EU.

The registration is closed. 

The recording is available on DG Energy’s YouTube channel.

Related links

  • carbon capture and storage
  • Friday 6 October 2023, 14:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
  • Brussels, Belgium


  1. 6 Oct 2023, 14:00 - 17:00 (CEST)


    Welcome and presentation of agenda points (Chair: Hans Bolscher)


    What we expected from Industrial Carbon Management Strategy OPC (European Commission, Edith Hofer


    Presentation of OPC results (Moderation: Barbara Breitschopf, Fraunhofer)

    • Relevance of CCS, CCU and/or Industrial Carbon Removals for the EU climate goals
    • Role of the European Commission in relation to CCS, CCU and/or Industrial Carbon Removals
    • Main challenges and policy options to address them

    16:00- 16:45

    Q&A and feedback from participants (Moderation: Hans Bolscher)


    Closing remarks (DG CLIMA, European Commission)

Practical information

Friday 6 October 2023, 14:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
Brussels, Belgium