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ESCO project financing solutions: the bridge between energy efficiency projects and finance providers

Recent developments within the energy efficiency market offer new and innovative solutions to finance energy efficiency business models implemented by Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), focused on the renovation of existing infrastructure to be repaid totally or partly through energy savings. These solutions support ESCOs in accessing finance, which is usually a major obstacle for small and medium-sized ESCOs with a limited balance sheet. Depending on project sizes and clients, different financing mechanisms and schemes can be used: working capital loans, leasing, sales of receivables, special-purpose vehicles or dedicated financial instruments.

This webinar will showcase the most relevant examples of ESCO project financing solutions being offered or developed by banks, funds or specialised investment structures on the energy efficiency market.

This event is organised as part of the Sustainable Energy Investment Forums contract, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme and managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

The presentations are available for download on the dedicated page in CIRCABC. The video recording is available on YouTube.

Related links

  • financing
  • Thursday 6 July 2023, 11:00 - 13:00 (CEST)


  1. 6 Jul 2023, 11:00 - 13:00 (CEST)

    11:00 - Opening remarks

    Adrien Bullier, Senior Project Adviser, CINEA, European Commission

    11:05 - Overview of best practices and key trends in ESCO project financing

    Jean-François Marchand, Senior Partner, Energinvest

    11:15 - Standardising project documentation for ESCO projects: the online platform of the Sustainable Energy Finance Association

    Michael Pachlatko, European Director, Joule Assets

    11:40 - The Solas Sustainable Energy Fund: a specialized investment fund to provide project financing solutions to Energy-as-a-Service-Markets and ESCOs as aggregators of energy efficiency projects.

    Paul Kearney, CFA, Solas Capital AG

    12:05 - The Belfius Energy Efficiency Package: key learnings from indirect bank financing, channelled through ESCOs

    Joost Declerck, Promotor Energy Efficiency, Belfius Bank

    12:30 - Energy efficiency as a service: the EaaS initiative

    Livia Miethke, Senior Sustainable Energy Finance Specialist, Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy 

    12:55 - Closing remarks

    Adrien Bullier, Senior Project Adviser, CINEA, European Commission

Practical information

Thursday 6 July 2023, 11:00 - 13:00 (CEST)