- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
The survey targets gas market players, including but not limited to integrated market players, retailers, industrial consumers, power generators, infrastructure operators/owners, exporters, producers, traders, financial intermediaries, and other wholesalers.
Why we are consulting
The Proposal for a Regulation on the internal markets for renewable gas and natural gas and for hydrogen, amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011, (EU) 2017/1938, (EU) 2019/42 and (EU) 2022/869 and Decision (EU) 2017/684 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 (recast) foresees the development of a permanent mechanism for demand aggregation and joint purchasing of gas. In line with the RePowerEU Communication of 8 March 2022, it is an important instrument to organise the diversification of supplies and phasing out of the dependency on Russian natural gas in many Member States. The new permanent mechanism would also contribute to providing more transparency on EU future gas demand and the role of gas in the decarbonisation pathways of industries.
The Commission thus seeks to evaluate the potential of this mechanism in addressing the long-term needs of gas market players, together with methane emission reductions and decarbonisation. Testing long-term gas needs could support business decisions fully aligned with the decarbonisation of the EU energy sector and the broader economy under the European Green Deal.
Objective of the consultation
The European Commission is launching a market survey to gauge the interest of EU market players in the development of long-term gas products under the permanent mechanism for demand aggregation and joint purchasing. It comes as part of the Commission’s commitment to security of supply and competitiveness of energy procurement under the EU Energy Platform.
The survey will help to inform better the understanding of market and contracting dynamics in the gas market and, in turn, help to define the features of a long-term demand aggregation and joint purchasing mechanism in line with the needs of market players.
The market survey particularly invites opinions and insight of market participants on:
- Long-term gas products as part of the demand aggregation and joint purchasing mechanism;
- Cooperation arrangements for joint purchasing of gas;
- New features to identify and to help decarbonise energy contracts and the design features required to successfully reduce methane emissions, including through the concept of You-Collect-We-Buy on the Platform.
How to submit your response
Respondents can reply to the questions of the survey.
The survey will remain open until 10 May 2024.
We welcome your contribution in any official language of the European Union. However, we would prefer receiving your contribution in English. Questions regarding the market survey can be addressed to the following mailbox EU-ENERGY-PLATFORMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-ENERGY-PLATFORM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Responsible service: DG Energy, Unit T.F.1 Diversification strategy and joint purchasing
Postal address
European Commission
Directorate General for Energy
Unit T.F.1 Diversification strategy and joint purchasing
1049 Brussels
Email: EU-ENERGY-PLATFORMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-ENERGY-PLATFORM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)