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European Nuclear Energy Forum

The European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) is organised annually to discuss opportunities and risks of nuclear energy with EU countries and stakeholders.

ENEF participants

The forum is open to everyone with an interest in nuclear energy and usually gathers stakeholders in the nuclear field: governments of EU countries, EU institutions including the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, representatives of the nuclear industry and regulators, electricity consumers, and civil society.

ENEF meeting documentation

Agendas, presentations and other documents related to the European Nuclear Energy Forum meetings are available on a dedicated CIRCABC page for consultation.

For an overview and easy access to the main documents, all meetings are also listed below (the more recent events also link to the event page).

30/09 - 01/10/2024 – 17th European Nuclear Energy Forum

6-7 November 2023 – 16th European Nuclear Energy Forum

10-11 November 2022 – 15th European Nuclear Energy Forum

29-30 April 2019 – 14th European Nuclear Energy Forum

4-5 June 2018 – 13th European Nuclear Energy Forum

22-23 May 2017 – 12th European Nuclear Energy Forum

3-4 October 2016 – 11th European Nuclear Energy Forum

26-27 May 2015 – 10th European Nuclear Energy Forum

16-17 June 2014 – 9th European Nuclear Energy Forum

30-31 May 2013 – 8th European Nuclear Energy Forum 

14-15 May 2012 – 7th European Nuclear Energy Forum 

19-20 May 2011 – 6th European Nuclear Energy Forum

25 May 2010 – 5th European Nuclear Energy Forum

28-29 May 2009 – 4th European Nuclear Energy Forum

3-4 November 2008 – 3rd European Nuclear Energy Forum

22-23 May 2008 – 2nd European Nuclear Energy Forum

26-27 November 2007 – 1st European Nuclear Energy Forum