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Energy Communities Repository products

The Energy Communities Repository initiative conducted a mapping of legal frameworks for energy communities in EU countries until January 2024. 

EU policy map

The map is based on national legislation which is adopted within the context of EU legal frameworks for renewable and citizen energy communities.

It provides a country fiche per country, with an overview of the definition(s), as well as eventual rights and obligations, enabling framework, support schemes and assessment of barriers and potential for energy communities. 

Energy community initiatives

The map of energy communities initiatives include both citizen and renewable energy communities across the EU countries. It is not exhaustive but may be further updated in the future, based on inputs from other EU projects. 

In the meantime, navigate to find out whether there is an energy community near you. 

Energy community case studies

This map provides a selection of energy communities and information about their motivations, activities, governance model, challenges, and social impacts.