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The Union for the Mediterranean supports energy cooperation through regional energy platforms covering natural gas, electricity markets, renewable energy and energy efficiency.


Algeria is the third biggest supplier of gas to the EU, and the EU is the biggest importer of Algerian gas. Europe relies on Algerian gas for its security of supply and Algeria relies on the European market for its security of demand. Moreover, Algeria has a huge, but untapped potential, for renewable energy and for energy efficiency gains, while the EU is leading at global level the energy transition and is strongly committed to support Algeria in these policy areas.

This relation of strong interdependence in the energy sector led to the establishment of an EU-Algeria strategic partnership on energy in 2015. It covers cooperation on natural gas, renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy market integration, and consists of

  • an annual meeting of the EU Commissioner for Energy and the Algerian Minister for Energy
  • 2 working groups on gas and renewable energy / energy efficiency
  • a business forum

The strategic partnership on energy is a permanent and structural component of the Euro-Algerian relations.


The EU and Egypt face several common energy policy challenges, including security of supply, the need for deeper diversification, the completion of energy market reforms, improvement of energy efficiency and increased renewable energy use amongst others. In light of this, and in view of Egypt's growing role as an important regional gas and electricity producer and transit country in the Euro-Mediterranean market, the EU and Egypt have deepened their energy cooperation over the past decade.


The EU concluded a Green Partnership with Morocco on the occasion of Executive Vice-President Timmermans’ visit to the Kingdom of Morocco on 18-19 October 2022. This is the first such EU initiative with a partner country to advance the external dimension of the European Green Deal through action on the ground. Joint work and cooperation shall be developed across three main thematic axes: climate and energy; the environment, including marine and maritime issues, and the green economy.

The partnership will allow the EU and Morocco to strengthen early policy dialogue and coordination on energy, climate change, environmental protection and the green economy at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. It is also expected to become a model for similar partnerships on the African continent, where Morocco already leads in terms of environmental and climate ambitions.

Building on synergies between the EU’s and Morocco’s respective hydrogen strategies, the Green Partnership shall also provide the basis to build long-term partnership in the nascent renewable hydrogen sector, and support the conditions for renewable hydrogen production and trade.


On 16 July 2023, the EU and Tunisia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on a strategic and global partnership, aiming at implementing a comprehensive partnership package, giving a new impetus to their relations. It covers 5 pillars of cooperation: macroeconomic stability, economy and trade, green energy transition, people-to-people contacts, and migration and mobility. 

A Memorandum of Understanding on a strategic partnership to promote and develop the potential of investment in renewable energy, and ensure energy exchanges between the EU and Tunisia, was signed in the margins of the Tunisia Investment Forum in June 2024 by the Ambassador of the EU in Tunisia, Marcus Cornaro, and the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines of Tunisia, Fatma Thabet Chiboub. It will support investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, enhance skills and technological capacities, promote the resilience of renewable energy supply chains, and contribute to maximise the benefits of the ELMED electricity interconnector between Tunisia and Italy. 

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Tunisia and the EU underscores the shared commitment of both parties to address critical challenges related to decarbonisation and energy security, aligning with Tunisia's ambitious targets for renewable electricity and energy efficiency by 2030. The collaboration is set to bolster macroeconomic stability, vital for sustainable investments in the energy sector, thereby fostering economic growth and job creation.

Union for the Mediterranean

Launched in 2008, the Union for the Mediterranean promotes economic integration and cooperation amongst 14 countries in the region (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey - Syria’s membership is currently suspended) and the EU.

For energy, the goal is to create an integrated Mediterranean energy market, and to promote renewables and energy efficiency. It is done through regional energy platforms covering the 3 priority areas

These platforms provide a permanent forum to organise dialogues and discuss policy objectives and measures, with a view to identifying concrete actions and follow-up on their implementation. The platform activities are coordinated respectively by the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie, the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators for electricity, the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

The ministers of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of energy signed on 14 June 2021, a declaration underlining their commitment to reinforce cooperation on ambitious targets for energy sustainability in the Mediterranean. The declaration raises the ambition of the region to contribute to a green, just and fair energy transition and addressing untapped opportunities, in line with the climate goals.


16 NOVEMBER 2022
Memorandum of understanding on a strategic partnership on renewable hydrogen between the European union and the Arab republic of Egypt
17 JUNE 2022
MoU EU Egypt Israel
23 APRIL 2018
Memorandum of understanding EU-Egypt (2018-2022)
5 MAY 2015
EU-Algeria strategic partnership on energy