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Capacity building and project development

The EU supports energy efficiency and integrated renewable projects from idea to implementation by providing capacity building assistance.

The LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme

The LIFE-Clean Energy Transition (CET) sub-programme has a budget of €1 billion for the period 2021-2027. It aims to support energy efficiency and integrated renewables by addressing structural or organisational obstacles, creating supporting frameworks and building the capacity of public and private participants. It will continue to fund initiatives removing market barriers and developing EU-wide best practice for energy efficiency policy implementation.

LIFE CET calls have already supported the establishment of over 41 ‘one-stop-shops' for home renovations accessible to than 190 million EU citizens, 750 renewable energy communities, developed over 700 local authorities sustainable energy and climate action plans and supported EU countries in their efforts to upskill building professionals through BUILD UP skills (14 active national roadmaps and networks).

The LIFE CET sub-programme has also funded dedicated Project Development Assistance (PDA) calls to help public and private promoters to develop sustainable energy investment projects. These cover energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in buildings, enterprises, district heating and cooling networks, and other urban infrastructure. In October 2024, the Commission announced its support for 133 new LIFE projects, of which 59 focus on the clean energy transition. 

The European City Facility

The European City Facility (EUCF), funded under the LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme, is an initiative supporting local authorities to develop investment concepts to accelerate investments in sustainable energy. 

The EUCF calls finance with a €60,000 lump-sum grants services and activities to support the development of investment concepts, such as studies, and for example market, stakeholder, financial or risk analyses and further supporting tasks. The grant is used to access services and develop an investment concept, which might become a door-opener for many follow-up investments.

InvestEU Advisory Hub

The InvestEU Programme provides the EU with crucial long-term funding by leveraging private and public funds in support of Europe’s sustainable recovery.

The programme includes the InvestEU Advisory Hub which can provide technical assistance and advice for energy efficiency projects, covering dedicated project development assistance grants for stand-alone projects, and support to the preparation of investments through the ELENA facility.

European local energy assistance

The European local energy assistance (ELENA) is implemented by the European Investment Bank on behalf of the European Commission. It is the main EU instrument for project development assistance for energy efficiency and helps public and private entities to create profitable projects at local level and to attract further investments.

ELENA provides assistance in the form of grants to investment projects in energy efficiency, integrated renewable energy and sustainable transport in cities. The grant covers up to 90% of the technical support cost needed to prepare the investment programme for implementation and financing.

Since ELENA was established in 2009, it has helped mobilise more than €9,5 billion in sustainable energy and transport investments with a leverage factor of 32, meaning that every euro spent led, on average, to 32 euros in investment.

ELENA was a key element for the implementation of the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative, launched with the 'Clean energy for all Europeans' package. The Renovation Wave Communication from 2020 also identified ELENA as one of the main pillars to increase EU renovation rates. The Commission, together with the EIB, offers help to EU countries to design national or local programmes, replicating the ELENA model.

The ManagEnergy initiative

The European Commission initiative ManageEnergy was launched in 2022 and is dedicated to assisting regional and local energy agencies become leaders in the energy transition. Energy agencies are in a unique position to facilitate sustainable energy investments in Europe, but also to support the development and implementation of concrete projects at local/regional level and trigger innovation. 

The initiative offers master classes, expert missions and other learning opportunities that provide practical information, visibility and networking opportunities for EU, local, and regional agencies. It also supports them in delivering new services or expanding existing ones for the benefit of their communities.