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List of energy efficient products regulations: by product group

Product groups

Energy labelling legislation

Ecodesign legislation

Air conditioners

(EU) No 626/2011

Harmonised standards: 2014/C 110/01 and 2018/C 092/03

(EU) No 206/2012 Corrected by (EU) 2023/2048

Domestic ovens and range hoods

(EU) No 65/2014

(EU) No 66/2014

Electrical lamps and luminaires

(EU) 2019/2015 

Amended by (EU) 2021/340

(EU) 2019/2020 – Corrected by (EU) 2023/2048

Household dishwashers

(EU) 2019/2017

Amended by (EU) 2021/340

Harmonised standards: (EU) 2023/1759

(EU) 2019/2022

Amended by (EU) 2021/341

Harmonised standards: (EU) 2023/1759

Household refrigerating appliances

(EU) 2019/2016

Amended by (EU) 2021/340


(EU) 2019/2019

Amended by (EU) 2021/341 Corrected by (EU) 2023/2048

Household tumble dryers

(EU) No 392/2012

Repealed by (EU) 2023/2534 – in application from 1 July 2025   


(EU) No 932/2012

Repealed by (EU) 2023/2533 – in application from 1 July 2025  

Household washing machines and washer-dryers

(EU) 2019/2014

Amended by (EU) 2021/340

(EU) 2019/2023

Amended by (EU) 2021/341

Local space heaters

(EU) 2015/1186

(EU) 2015/1188

(EU) 2015/1185

Professional refrigerated storage cabinets

(EU) 2015/1094

(EU) 2015/1095

Residential ventilation units

(EU) No 1254/2014

(EU) No 1253/2014

Solid fuel boilers and packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices

(EU) 2015/1187

(EU) 2015/1189

Space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device

(EU) No 811/2013

(EU) No 813/2013

Mobile phones, cordless phones and tablets(EU) 2023/1669

(EU) 2023/1670

Electronic displays and televisions

(EU) 2019/2013

Amended by (EU) 2021/340

(EU) 2019/2021

Amended by (EU) 2021/341

Vacuum cleaners 

(EU) No 666/2013

Water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device

(EU) No 812/2013

(EU) No 814/2013

Air heating products, cooling products, high temperature process chillers and fan coil unitsN/A *

(EU) 2016/2281

Circulators (glandless standalone circulators and glandless circulators integrated in products)N/A

(EC) No 641/2009​,

Amended by​ (EU) No 622/2012 and by (EU) 2019/1781

Computers and computer serversN/A

(EU) No 617/2013

(EU) 2019/424 (servers and data storage products)

Amended by (EU) 2021/341

Electric motorsN/A

(EU) 2019/1781

Amended by (EU) 2021/341

External power supplies (no-load condition electric power consumption and average active efficiency of external power supplies)N/A

(EU) 2019/1782

Fans driven by motors with an electric input power between 125 W and 500 kWN/A

(EU) No 327/2011

Simple set-top boxesN/A

(EC) No 107/2009

Repealed by (EU) 2023/826 – in application from 9 May 2025   

Small, medium and large power transformersN/A

(EU) No 548/2014

Amended by (EU) 2019/1783

Standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipmentN/A

(EC) No 1275 /2008​, Amended by​ (EU) No 801/2013 and (EU) 2019/2021

Repealed by (EU) 2023/826 – in application from 9 May 2025   

Water pumpsN/A

(EU) No 547/2012

Welding equipmentN/A

(EU) 2019/1784

Refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function

(EU) 2019/2018

Amended by (EU) 2021/340


(EU) 2019/2024

Amended by (EU) 2021/341 Corrected by (EU) 2023/2048

* non applicable