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Publications to support regions covering key just transition areas. Use the keyword search and filter functions to look through the repository of toolkits, case studies, and regional profiles.

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Publications (64)

Showing results 20 to 30
Retirement and support packages for older workers in the EU coal sector: a briefing paper on European cases - START Technical assistance
General publications17 October 2023
Retirement and support packages for older workers in the EU coal sector: a briefing paper on European cases - START Technical assistance

This briefing paper identifies and illustrates European experiences in assisting older coal miners and other displaced workers through early retirement and other targeted support. In the context of the future cessation of lignite burning at the Matra Power Plant, the main aim is to provide...

Assessment of Development Opportunities for Social Economy Enterprises in Eastern Wielkopolska - START technical assistance
General publications10 October 2023
Assessment of Development Opportunities for Social Economy Enterprises in Eastern Wielkopolska - START technical assistance

This paper considers potential opportunities for the development of new and existing social economy enterprises (primarily co-operatives) in Eastern Wielkopolska which can offer employment for affected ZE PAK workers. By exploring a range of potential development opportunities for social economy...

Higher Education Institutions, Community Engagement and Just Transition - START technical assistance
General publications28 September 2023
Higher Education Institutions, Community Engagement and Just Transition - START technical assistance

This paper offers County Offaly, TUS, Laois Offaly Education and Training Board, and Offaly Local Development Ltd a reference to help guide their deliberations and actions as they explore the transformative potential of partnership working to create a more comprehensive and integrated programme of...

A Youth Climate Assembly in Ida-Viru - Case study
General publications24 April 2023
A Youth Climate Assembly in Ida-Viru - Case study

Aiming to empower young people to proactively shape the future of their region, the Ida-Viru Youth Climate Assembly is a powerful example of how to give youth a voice in the transition process and integrate their recommendations into official policy development work streams. The assembly brought...

General publications24 September 2021
Genk’s ongoing transition - Case study

Even 30 years after the last coal mine closed in Genk, the Limburg region is still undergoing an economic transition process; this process is being shaped by its increasing use of old industrial heritage and infrastructure as assets for future development.

Transition financing toolkit: financing projects in coal regions in transition
General publications17 January 2023
Transition financing toolkit: financing projects in coal regions in transition

This toolkit provides guidance on the effective mobilisation of different sources of funding for transition-related projects in coal regions. It specifically focuses on mobilisation of EU funds, but addresses other relevant sources of funding. Turning transition strategies and plans into projects...

  • Financování transformace: projekty financování uhelných regionů procházejících transformací

    Tento soubor nástrojů poskytuje pokyny pro efektivní mobilizaci různých zdrojů financování projektů transformace uhelných regionů. Je speciálně zaměřen na mobilizaci fondů EU, ale zohledňuje také další relevantní zdroje financování. Přeměna strategií transformace a plánů na projekty a mobilizace...

    (1.56 MB - PDF)
  • Finanzierung des Wandels: Projektfinanzierung in Kohleregionen im Wandel

    Das vorliegende Toolkit ist eine Anleitung zur Mobilisierung verschiedener Finanzierungsquellen für Projekte im Zusammenhang mit dem Wandel in Kohleregionen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Mobilisierung von EU-Mitteln, jedoch zeigt es auch andere wichtige Finanzierungsquellen auf. Die Umsetzung von...

    (3.16 MB - PDF)
  • Finansowanie transformacji energetycznej: Finansowanie projektów w regionach górniczych w okresie transformacji

    Poradnik zawiera wskazówki, dotyczące efektywnego wykorzystania różnych źródeł finansowania projektów transformacji regionów górniczych. Koncentruje się na funduszach UE, ale omawia też inne programy. Dla regionów górniczych w okresie transformacji (a zwłaszcza organizacji lokalnych) istotnym...

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  • Finanțarea tranziției: Finanțarea proiectelor din regiunile carbonifere în tranziție

    Acest set de instrumente oferă sprijin pentru mobilizarea eficientă a diferitelor surse de finanțare pentru proiectele având ca subiect tranziția din regiunile carbonifere. Se concentrează în special pe mobilizarea fondurilor UE, dar se referă și la alte surse relevante de finanțare. Transformarea...

    (3.14 MB - PDF)
Transformation Options Framework (Silesia) - Initiative for coal regions in transition
General publications16 May 2022
Transformation Options Framework (Silesia) - Initiative for coal regions in transition

The Transformation Options Framework (TOF) has been developed for the Marshal’s Office of Silesia by the START technical assistance facility of the EU Coal Regions in Transition (CRiT) Initiative. The purpose of the TOF is to encourage inclusive identification, consideration, and selection of...

  • Wariantowe Ramy Transformacji: Przewodnik po zasadach identyfikacji i oceny koncepcji zagospodarowania byłych terenów górniczych i przemysłowych

    Przewodnik „Wariantowe Ramy Transformacji” (WRT) został opracowany dla Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Śląskiego w ramach Pomocy Technicznej START Inicjatywy Unijnych Regionów Górniczych w Transformacji (CRiT). Historia gospodarcza i struktura przemysłowa Śląska sprawia, że w regionie tym...

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Building on local assets to create a new economy: A report on the municipality of Megalopolis and eligible area
General publications1 April 2022
Building on local assets to create a new economy: A report on the municipality of Megalopolis and eligible area

The European Union (EU) aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050. Greece, in line with this vision, as part of its National Energy and Climate Plan, aims to stop the use of lignite for power generation in the country by 2028. This commendable and ambitious undertaking will adversely impact the region of...

From Strategy to Action: Delivering a Just Transition in the Jiu Valley, today and tomorrow
General publications25 January 2022
From Strategy to Action: Delivering a Just Transition in the Jiu Valley, today and tomorrow

This document identifies recent steps undertaken by development actors in the Jiu Valley and indicates future steps that they should take to make the area a successful example of Just Transition. A positive outcome cannot be achieved only by local effort. A Just Transition in the Jiu Valley is...

  • De la strategie la acțiune: Implementarea unei tranziții juste în Valea Jiului, astăzi și în viitor

    Acest document identifică pașii făcuți recent de actori relevanți pentru dezvoltarea Văii Jiului1 și indică care sunt următorii pași care trebuie făcuți pentru ca zona să fie un exemplu de succes al unei tranziții juste. Rezultate pozitive nu pot fi obținute doar prin eforturi locale. O tranziție...

    (3.01 MB - PDF)
Clean air: implications of air pollution for coal regions in transition
General publications17 November 2021
Clean air: implications of air pollution for coal regions in transition

Air pollution is considered to be the world’s most serious environmental health concern, responsible for 8 million fatalities each year. It poses a major threat to health, the environment, climate and the economy. To tackle air pollution, not only must the direct causes of pollution be addressed...