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Key cross border infrastructure projects

Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are key cross border infrastructure projects that link the energy systems of EU countries.

How can a project become a PCI?

The project must have a significant impact on energy markets and market integration in at least two EU countries, boost competition on energy markets and help the EU's energy security by diversifying sources as well as contribute to the EU's climate and energy goals by integrating renewables.

The selection process gives preference to projects in priority corridors, as identified in the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) policy.

PCI advantages

Projects of common interest benefit from

  • accelerated planning and permit granting
  • a single national authority for obtaining permits
  • improved regulatory conditions
  • lower administrative costs due to streamlined environmental assessment processes
  • increased public participation via consultations
  • increased visibility to investors

They also have the right to apply for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

The PCI list

Every 2 years since 2013, the European Commission draw up a new list of projects of common interest (PCIs).

The Commission submits the list of projects to the European Parliament and to the Council. These institutions have 2 months to oppose the list, or they may ask for an extension of 2 months to finalise their position. If neither the Parliament nor the Council rejects the list, it enters into force. The Parliament and the Council cannot request amendments to the PCI list.

On 19 November 2021, the Commission adopted the 5th PCI list in the form of a delegated act, in force as of 28 April 2022. The list consist of 98 projects: 67 electricity transmission and storage, 5 smart grid deployment, 20 gas, and 6 cross-border carbon dioxide network projects.

Bar chart showing the number of Projects of Common Interest projects in 2017, 2019 and 2021. In 2017, there were 106 electricity projects, 53 gas projects and 5 oil projects. In 2019 there were 100 electricity projects, 32 gas projects and 5 oil projects. In 2021, there were 67 electricity projects, 20 gas projects and zero oil projects.

On 17 October 2022, the Commission will kick off the process for establishing the first Union list under the revised TEN-E Regulation. All meeting documentation related to the TEN-E regional and thematic group meetings is available online.

Consulting stakeholders and citizens

Before and during the implementation of PCIs, comprehensive impact assessments and public consultation processes are organised with a wide range of stakeholders, especially citizens and NGOs. The results of these consultations carried out for the preparation of the PCI lists are available here:


19 NOVEMBER 2021
Amending Regulation (EU) 347/2013 as regards the Union list of Projects of Common Interest - SWD(2021) 335 final
31 OCTOBER 2019
Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the 4th PCI list SWD (2019) 395 final
31 OCTOBER 2019
Memo: Questions and answers on the PCIs in energy (October 2019)