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National Building Renovation Plans

The National Building Renovation Plans are the evolution of the national long-term renovation strategies, which EU countries have been required to submit since 2014.

These plans are part of the integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPS) and their progress will be tracked, monitored and assessed through the integrated national NECP Reporting.

Process and timeline

By 31 December 2025, all EU countries have to establish a draft National Building Renovation Plan. Once EU countries submit their draft plans, the Commission will assess them and may issue recommendations within 6 months. EU countries will have to take due account of these recommendations, and then submit their final plan by 31 December 2026. 

The plans must be preceded by a national public consultation in order to ensure that the plans respond to national needs and take stakeholders’ views into consideration. 

The plans must include at least

  • an overview of the national building stock for different building types
  • a roadmap with nationally established targets for 2030, 2040 and 2050 (including a range of progress indicators)
  • an overview of planned policies and measures and 
  • an outline of the investment needs and financing sources for its implementation.

Annex II of the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive establishes a common template for the drafting of these plans. The Commission is preparing an annotated template to support EU countries.

National long-term renovation strategies 2020

The latest round of national long-term renovation strategies was submitted in 2020 and provided important input to the Renovation Wave for Europe and the subsequent recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, both part of the European Green Deal.

The 2020 strategies (article 2A of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) are available in national language and English in the list below.

With a view to share best practices among EU countries, the Commission developed a Staff Working Document (SWD/2022/375) analysing the national long-term renovation strategies 2020 for all EU countries. The strategies and their assessment were a key input to the National Recovery and Resilience Plans, where energy-efficient buildings renovation has a prominent place.

National long-term renovation strategies 2014 and 2017

In 2014 and 2017, the strategies showed how EU countries planned to foster investment in the renovation of residential and commercial buildings.

The long-term renovation strategies (article 4 of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) 2014 (and the update 2017) are available and listed per country in dedicated folders.