The 2020 report, published on 14 October 2020, is the first state of the energy union report since the adoption of the European Green Deal. It looks at the energy union’s contribution to Europe’s long-term climate goals.
It takes stock of the progress made in the five dimensions of the energy union - decarbonisation, including renewables, energy efficiency, the internal energy market, security of supply and research, innovation and competitiveness. The report provides guidance on the swift implementation of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs) and on how energy-related investment and reforms can boost the EU’s economic recovery. It highlights how the NextGenerationEU recovery plan can support EU countries through a number of flagship funding programmes.
This report is also accompanied by a wide range of reports and annexes, including the Commission’s individual assessment of each EU country's final NECP, analysing the contribution each country is committed to make to the EU 2030 energy and climate targets, and the policies planned to attain these.
Most of the other accompanying documents outline the progress made in different fields. Some of these are included for the first time, for example on the competitiveness of clean energy and on energy subsidies, as required by the Governance Regulation 2018/1999.
- 2020 report on the State of the energy union COM(2020)950, including Annex: Progress report on the internal energy market and Annex: Energy subsidies in the EU
- Report on energy prices and costs in Europe COM(2020)951 | Staff working document on energy prices and costs in EuropeSWD (2020)951 | Study: Energy prices and costs in Europe
- Renewable energy progress report COM(2020)952
- Progress report on competitiveness COM(2020)953 | Clean energy transition - technologies and innovations report, accompanying the report on progress of clean energy competitiveness SWD (2020) 953
- Progress report on improving energy efficiency COM(2020)954
Accompanying documents
- Individual NECP assessments and 2-page summaries SWD (2020)900 – 926
Photo and audiovisual
- Photo: "Building a climate neutral Europe”(press conference 14/10/2020)
- Video material: InvestEU - climate and energy projects, Strengthening the energy supply routes, New ways of producing energy
Related links
- Press release: State of the energy union (14 0ctober 2020), Questions and Answers: State of the energy union (14 October 2020)
- Fourth state of the energy union (April 2019)
- Third state of the energy union report (November, 2017)
- Second state of the energy union report (February, 2017)
- First state of the energy union report (November 2015)