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Study on supporting investments into renewable electricity in context of deep market integration of RES-e after 2020


Publication date
10 January 2017
Directorate-General for Energy


The study "Supporting investments into renewable electricity after 2020" (ENER/C1/2015-394) asks what the likely paths of EU electricity market developments through to 2050 will be, and how RES-e shares are likely to evolve under those scenarios. Assuming an energy-only market (EOM) as the only source of revenue, what are the likely market revenues for each type of RES-e (in the case of no financial support from public funds)? The study also considers how sensitive these estimates are to key variables, including carbon prices and the amount and design of capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRMs). It provided input to the Impact Assessment supporting the legislative proposal for a recast of the Renewable Energy Directive which is part of the Commission's "Clean Energy for All Europeans" package.


  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2021