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Employment creation opportunities and future skills requirements in the Karlovy Vary region - Part II: longer-term opportuinities


Publication date
20 May 2021
Directorate-General for Energy


This report assesses longer-term local employment creation opportunities and accompanying support mechanisms targeting displaced workers in the Karlovy Vary region. It builds on the first report in this series, which tracked the short-term employment and support mechanisms and opportunities in place in the region. This report contains an overall assessment of medium to longer-term employment opportunities and skills requirements for the region, aligned, as far as possible, with future opportunities for local economic development and diversification and the creation of high value jobs, and the related implications for education and training needs. It considers external labour market trends and skills requirements, and attempts to align these to local economic development and diversification strategies and plans, including the regional smart specialisation strategy. The report also tries to identify future employment opportunities and also contains recommendations for aligning local education, skills development and training services to match these opportunities.


  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2021
Employment creation opportunities and future skills requirements in the Karlovy Vary region - Part II: longer-term opportunities