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  • News announcement
  • 12 February 2024
  • Directorate-General for Energy
  • 1 min read

President von der Leyen and Commissioner Simson in Paris to celebrate 50th anniversary of the International Energy Agency

This week, the European Commission is joining global energy and climate leaders in Paris to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Energy Agency at the annual International Energy Agency Ministerial Meeting. This year, the event will be accompanied by a series of High-Level Dialogues and an Energy Innovation Forum

Tomorrow (13 February), President Ursula von der Leyen will deliver a speech at the plenary session that you can follow live around +/-16.40 on EbS+.

Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, will also attend the 2 day meeting (13-14 February). She will underscore the importance of delivering a fair energy transition that leaves no one behind and equips the European workforce with appropriate skills while providing predictability and sustainability for our economy and society and ensuring energy security. 

On Tuesday, Commissioner Simson will deliver a keynote speech at the High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on ‘Energy security through energy transitions: international experiences and local solutions' and on ‘Renewable energy for sustainable economic development in Africa: turning a vision into reality'. She will also participate in the High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on ‘Building a prosperous & inclusive economy for the future' and will attend a High-Level Panel ‘Reflections on 50 years of global cooperation and future needs' at the IEA Energy Innovation Forum 2024

On Wednesday, the Commissioner will participate at the IEA Ministerial meeting and at the Government-Industry Dialogue where she will emphasise the importance to focus on electricity grids and will promote the EU Action Plan for Grids.

In the margins of the IEA Ministerial Meeting, Commissioner Simson will also hold bilateral meetings with Ukraine’s Minister of Energy German Galushchenko, Canada’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, and the CEO of Fortescue, Andrew Forrest.

You can find all activities in the Commission’s press calendar.


Publication date
12 February 2024
Directorate-General for Energy