- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
Public authorities, Member States authorities, private organizations, industry associations, SMEs, citizens, consumer organizations, trade unions, NGOs, environmental organizations, Consultancies, Experts, Workers Employers' federations, other relevant stakeholders and Citizens (inside and outside of the European Union).
Why we are consulting
Contributions from Public authorities
Contributions from other operators
In the interests of transparency, organisations have been invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the Interest Representative Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct. If the organisation is not registered, the submission is published separately from the registered organisations.
Objective of the consultation
This consultation concerns a review of the EU's regulatory frameworks and practices currently governing the protection of health, safety and environment in the exploration and production activities of the offshore oil and gas sector. In light of the experience from the Deepwater Horizon incident in the USA, the EU is reflecting whether current regulatory frameworks and practices are adequate in terms of accident prevention, emergency preparedness and response. Following its Communication entitled "Facing the challenge of the safety of offshore oil and gas activities", which summarises preliminary findings and responses on the matter; the Commission is currently analyzing concrete forms of adequate measures at a broader EU level. This questionnaire seeks input of stakeholders and other interested parties, in order to ensure solid measures in the areas of offshore safety in exploration and production activities.