- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
National, regional and local authorities, private companies, industry associations, small and medium enterprises(s), consumer organisations, trade unions, NGOs, environmental organisations, consultancies and, other stakeholders.
Why we are consulting
Objective of the consultation
The European Commission is making a consultation on electricity market reforms in Spain. As outlined in the EU’s energy market rules, Article 20(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2019/943 of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity, a Member State that is facing likely supply shortages is requested to reform its electricity market. On 13 November 2023, Spain submitted its planned reform measures to the Commission. As the Commission will have to issue an opinion on the Spanish plan, it seeks stakeholders’ views on the planned reforms.
Stakeholders should submit their input by 22 December 2023
Context of market reforms
The Commission recognises that markets can provide the right amount and type of generation capacity to meet demands from users, if they are well designed, free of regulatory distortions and sufficiently connected to the EU electricity network. This is where the requirement to reform electricity markets stems from. Capacity mechanisms should only be introduced to address residual adequacy problems that cannot be solved by removing distortions.
Member States are therefore required to adopt measures to eliminate the identified distortions. In the plan, they must also include a timeline for the implementation.
The objective of this consultation is to seek your views on the measures proposed by Spain in its implementation plan. In your assessment, please consider whether the measures can contribute towards the removal of existing regulatory distortions and market failures.
The Commission will issue its opinion taking into account the feedback it receives from this consultation.
How to submit your response
Respondents can submit their comments and opinions to the functional mailbox by 22 December 2023:
ener-market-reformsec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ener-market-reforms[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Please read the specific privacy statement for this consultation regarding the collection and use of your personal data provided on this occasion and the rights and obligation deriving therein. In case you would like to keep your submission confidential, please indicate so in your submission.
We welcome your contribution in any official language of the European Union. However, we would prefer receiving your contribution in English.
Reference documents
- español
Replies to the Consultation
All documents are available in the dedicated CIRCABC.
Responsible service: DG Energy, Unit C.3 Internal Energy Market
Postal address
European Commission
Directorate General for Energy
Unit C3 - Internal Energy Market
1049 Brussels
Email: ener-market-reformsec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ener-market-reforms[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)