- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
EU and Member States' authorities, energy market participants and their associations, SMEs, energy consumers, NGOs, other relevant stakeholders and Citizens.
Why we are consulting
Since the adoption of the Third Internal Energy Market Package, wholesale markets are increasingly characterised by fair and open competition, and – though still insufficient – competition is also taking root at the retail level. As a result of increased interconnection and closer cooperation between electricity players across borders (e.g. in so-called "market coupling" or with "flow-based" capacity allocation), electricity can more efficiently be traded across Europe.
Electricity generated from renewable sources has become one of the most important sources of electricity, heralding a transition towards a low-carbon energy system. The move away from generation in large central power plants towards de-central production from renewable energy sources requires an adaptation of the current rules of electricity trading and changes the existing market roles. The electricity market needs to adapt to this new reality; it needs to fully integrate all market players – including flexible demand, energy service providers and renewables. The new market design should ensure that energy markets can fully support this transition at minimum cost. This will mean developing a new framework which delivers market arrangements: suitable for an interconnected EU-wide electricity market providing clear price signals for new investments and facilitating the further development of renewables, to promote regional cooperation and coordination on energy policies, to enable cooperation on development of renewables, including on support schemes, to safeguard appropriate governance and regulatory framework as well as to provide a truly European dimension to security of electricity supply.
The Commission received 320 replies to the consultation. About 50 % of submissions come from national or EU-wide industry associations. 26% of answers stem from undertakings active in the energy sector (suppliers, intermediaries, customers), 9% from network operators. 17 national governments and several national regulatory authorities submitted also a reply. A significant number of individual citizens and academic institutes participated in the consultation.
On this website, please see the findings document prepared by DG Energy, as well the non-confidential individual submissions of stakeholders.
Objective of the consultation
In its Political Guidelines, the Juncker Commission made the development of a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate policy one of its strategic objectives. This ambition was further detailed in the framework strategy Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy.
Achieving these goals will require a redesign of the European electricity market.
The objective of this consultation is to seek stakeholder's views on the issues that may need to be addressed in such a redesign of the European electricity market. These issues include: (i) improvements to market functioning and investment signals; (ii) market integration of renewables; (iii) linking retail and wholesale markets (iv); reinforcing regional coordination of policy making, between system operators and of infrastructure investments; (v) the governance of the internal electricity market; and, (vi) an European dimension to security of supply.
This consultation is complemented by an additional public consultation on risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply.
Stakeholders are invited to reply to the both consultations.
How to submit your contribution
View the consultation document
You are invited to reply to this consultation document by using the link to the survey on DG ENER's consultation webpage or via EU Survey. Always use this questionnaire even if also other documents are submitted.
Given possible delays in translating comments submitted in some languages, contributions in English are most welcome, as they will help the Commission to process the survey more swiftly. For translations of the questions, please refer to the translations of the Consultation document.
Please, submit your response to this public consultation by Thursday 8 October 2015 at the latest.
Received contributions will be published on the Internet, unless a confidentiality claim has been made on reasonable grounds. Non-registered organisation responses will be published separately.
View the contributions
In the interest of transparency, organisations have been invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by in the Interest Representative register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct.
If the organisation is not registered, the submission is published separately from the registered organisations.
Responsible services: ENER.B.2 Wholesale markets: electricity & gas
E-mail: ENER-MARKET-DESIGNec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENER-MARKET-DESIGN[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Postal address:
European Commission, DG Energy - ENER.B.2 Wholesale markets: electricity & gas, office DM 24 06/95, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium