- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
This consultation is open to all stakeholders interested in the development of the Smart Readiness Indicator (e.g. product manufacturers, installers, building designers, building developers, contractors, etc.).
Why we are consulting
Objective of the consultation
The amending Directive EU 2018/844 of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU) outlines measures to establish an optional scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings, notably in articles 8(10) and 8(11). The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) will be used to measure the capacity of buildings to use information and communication technologies and electronic systems to better suit the needs of occupants and the grid, and improve energy efficiency and overall performance of buildings.
The SRI is a new EU instrument that the European Commission is developing on the basis of a number of technical studies and in consultation with Member States and stakeholders. It will be established by EU legal acts that will clarify the definition and calculation methodology and the technical modalities for implementation. Notably, the former will be established by a delegated act and the latter by an implementing act, following the respective procedures.
This consultation offers stakeholders the opportunity to contribute to the SRI development process and to provide relevant information in a structured way.
How to submit your contribution
We welcome contributions from those stakeholders interested in the development of the SRI through the online questionnaire.
The survey is divided into five parts that will inform the development of the SRI, particularly the establishment of the legal acts for the definition, methodology and technical modalities. Most questions do not require technical expertise, but it would be useful if respondents could familiarise themselves with the main findings from the first technical study before answering this consultation.
When the consultation period has ended, a report summarising the contributions will be made available online. Please read through the privacy statement in the consultation regarding the collection and use of your personal data.
Contact details
Responsible service: DG Energy, Unit C3: Energy Efficiency
Postal address
European Commission
Directorate General for Energy
Unit C3, Energy Efficiency
1049 Brussels Belgium
Email ENER-C3-BUILDINGS-CONSULTATIONec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENER-C3-BUILDINGS-CONSULTATION[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)